84th Precinct
Brooklyn Heights–Dumbo–Boerum Hill–Downtown
Park plunder
A gaggle of goons lifted a guy’s cellphone as he strolled through Bridge Park on Jan. 13.
The victim told police he was on Bridge Street headed to York Street Station at 5:30 pm when four nogoodniks approached him and demanded he hand over his phone.
One of the cretins snatched the phone and the motley crew fled towards Sands Street, according to police.
Not safe and sound
Some sneak stole sound equipment from a Third Avenue storage facility some time between Christmas and Jan. 12.
The victim told police that four speakers and four microphones disappeared from the facility near Bergen Street during that period. He said only employees have access to the building, but a thief somehow made out with the gear, according to a report.
Checked out
A bookish crook stole a woman’s backpack as she was working hard at a library near Cadman Plaza West on Jan. 14.
The unsuspecting woman said she was sitting inside the book repository near Clinton Street from 10:30 am to 1 pm, and had placed her bag by her legs the entire time.
But when she went to retrieve it at 1 pm, she found that a thief had snatched the tote.
A punk smashed the window of a vehicle parked on Pacific Street and stole more than $1,000 worth of goods from inside on Jan.13
The victim told police he parked his car near Smith Street at 3:30 pm, but when he returned to the site at 5:30 pm, he discovered his window had been shattered and property to the value of $1,210 had been removed.
— Lauren Gill