
Picnic for Pooches & People

Treat your best furry friend to a fun-filled walk in the park as FIDO — the Fellowship in the Interest of Dogs and their Owners — hosts its annual “Summer Picnic for Pooches & Their People” from 5 p.m. to dusk, June 27 in Prospect Park’s Nethermead.

The pot-luck affair will feature the FIDO Mid-Summer Games in which canine contestants vie to see who can catch the most dog biscuits; who gives the most licks per minute; biggest/smallest foot/ears; plus stupid dog tricks. Agility equipment will be on hand for additional fun.

While there will be some restaurant donations on hand, dog owners are asked to help out by bringing something to eat as well. Those whose dogs have names begin with the letters ‘A through G’ might bring an appetizer, salad or bread.

If your dog’s name begins with an ‘H through P,’ bring a small entrée; and for letters ‘Q through Z,’ a dessert would be welcome. FIDO will provide beverages, paper goods, plasticware, trash bags, water and biscuits for the dogs.

There will be a permit designated off-leash area.

FIDO in Prospect Park is dedicated to enhancing opportunities for off-leash activity as well as responsible supervision of dogs both in and outside the park.

For more about this upcoming romp in the park, contact FIDO at fidobrooklyn@gmail.com or go to www.fidobrooklyn.org.