
Picture-perfect article

To The Editor:

Michèle De Meglio, just a note to thank you so much for the great article that you’ve written regarding our wedding on Brighton Beach. Sorry you weren’t able to join us, it would have been great to meet you.

The pictures that were printed with the article were perfect. The photographer, Steve Solomonson, that you’ve sent, proved to be a wonderful gentleman. We’ve enjoyed meeting him.

On another note, there was a misunderstanding printed in the story. Pastor Joe Maldonado preaches and evangelizes throughout the states and outside of our country and although we are members of Trinity Tabernacle, Pastor Joe is not the Associate Pastor.

Again, Thank you so much for adding to our special day. I didn’t think anything could make it more perfect than it was. Your article was a wonderful addition that I will cherish.

God’s Peace to you

MaryJane Maldonado

Brighton Beach