
Pro-creations! Red Hook show features art inspired by parenthood

Pro-creations! Red Hook show features art inspired by parenthood
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

Meet the parents — then meet their artwork.

A group of artists with offspring are exhibiting their work in a show at Rhombus Space in Red Hook show called “Post Partum Party,” which examines the effects of pregnancy and raising young children on an artist’s life and work.

No, the exhibition is not made up of sculptures featuring diapers, pacifiers, and baby shoes, but the works are all influenced by a life marked by wiping tiny runny noses.

“Having children has pushed me in the direction of being more playful, because of the way I communicate with my kids and talk to them about imagery and what they see,” said painter and Williamsburger Monica Carrier, whose has contributed several abstract images made from spilled ink to the show. “I have wanted more absurdity in my work, letting it be silly and letting people see what they want. I am now willing to have less control over the process.”

“Post Partum Party” also includes the work of Hugh Walton, who made video pieces about his interpretation of childhood, Sydney Chastain-Chapman, who painted portraits of three generations of her family, and David Lukowski, who has created sculptures out of hams.

Another progenitor participating is artist Marni Kotak, who famously gave birth to her son, Ajax, in a Brooklyn art gallery three years ago, and then made another performance piece of going off the anti-depression medication that she had been taking for post-partum depression.

The show’s curator said she wants to celebrate the creations that procreation can inspire, rather than the limitations it is often seen to impose.

“There is a lot of stigma against artists who are parents being able to pursue an active practice and be competent parents at the same time,” said Katerina Lanfranco, the show’s curator. “I wanted to put on a show that embraces the complexities of that dual role and use it as fertile territory for creative practice.”

“Post Partum Party” at Rhombus Space (183 Lorraine St. third floor, between Clinton and Court streets in Red Hook, www.rhomb‌usspa‌ce.com). Saturdays and Sundays from 1–4 pm until Dec. 14. Free.

Reach reporter Danielle Furfaro at dfurf‌aro@c‌ngloc‌al.com or by calling (718) 260–2511. Follow her at twitt‌er.com/‌Danie‌lleFu‌rfaro.