
Prospect Park’s NYE fireworks show is a blast!

Prospect Park’s NYE fireworks show is a blast!
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

It was a big bang!

Thousands of Kings County revelers rang in the new year by watching the dazzling fireworks display over Prospect Park, which was bigger than ever in honor of the park’s 150th anniversary, according to an organizer.

“There were many more fireworks to celebrate the kickoff to the park’s 150th anniversary,” said the appropriately named Lucy Gardner, spokeswoman for park steward group the Prospect Park Alliance. “It was definitely bigger this year.”

The birthday pyrotechnic extravaganza used a grand total of 930 shells over 10 minutes — eclipsing last year’s 809 shells, according to Gardner.

Around 17,000 people showed up to witness the razzle and dazzle of the New Year’s Eve show, according to police, she said.

Also on hand for the show were a number of city garbage trucks, which authorities used as a barricade against truck terror attacks at New Year’s Eve gatherings across the city.

Prospect Park’s official anniversary isn’t until Oct. 19, which is when the park opened to the public for the first time in 1867. Work on Brooklyn’s Backyard didn’t actually finish until 1873, when construction costs topped a whopping $5 million.