
Readers raise hell over ‘too-tall’ tower in Sheepshead Bay

To the editor,

I was shocked and horrified by your story and picture about the Voorhies Avenue Tower, the latest in a series of high-rise construction projects destroying Sheepshead Bay (“New tower looms over Sheepshead Bay” (by Julianne Cuba, Oct. 7).

I live in Gravesend, but used to enjoy taking the bus to the Bay to relax on a bench watching the gulls flying, ducks and swans gliding placidly on the calm blue water, and the fishing boats sailing peacefully in and out of their docks. Sometimes I would enjoy the delicious food of El Greco diner, now torn down to make way for more apartments.

It saddens me to see the mom-and-pop stores that I enjoyed shopping in shut down and deserted. More small stores and businesses are disappearing every day.

Now I dread seeing nothing but construction and closed stores when my bus turns onto Sheepshead Bay Road, but I am even more worried that my bus will not be able to turn onto Sheepshead Bay Road when all the traffic caused by the new residents in the Tower clogs the street.

Can’t anything be done to save Sheepshead Bay?Elaine Kirsch


Mensch to mensch

To the editor,

Ed Greenspan, in reply to your letter, I have to let you know that I know the meaning of the word mensch, it means “person,” and I’ve been one for 90 years (“Read this! Ed tells Bill to be a ‘mensch,’ ” Sound Off to the Editor, Oct. 7)!

I used your name as an example because it was more outstanding than the others who constantly write to this page.

Look, with all of your variety of issues, tell me how many times have you made top billing on this page, as you did on Oct.7?

Thank me! You’re a real star now — top of the page, and first column on the page! Happy New Year!

Zev Ben Dov Bear
(Bill Glassman)

Delayed aid

To the editor,

On the news, they listed only four locations in Brooklyn to donate food and supplies to the victims of Hurricane Matthew. One of them was the YMCA at 1401 Flatbush Ave., which is the nearest to my home in Brighton Beach. I would have to take a Q or B train to Newkirk Plaza and walk 15 minutes to the Y.

It would be better if organizations helping with the relief effort had a mailroom so that people who wanted to donate food and supplies could mail it to that particular facility, which could then send it to the designated location in Haiti.

Frankly, they are making it harder for enthusiasitic donors, themselves included, and the victims to receive such aid.Elliott Abosh

Brighton Beach

Free speech

To the editor,

Your recent three-page reader rant against columnist Shavana Abruzzo (A Britisher’s View) was disturbing and amusing (“Readers: Shavana’s a racist and shame on the Courier for putting her column in print,” Sound Off to the Editor, Sept. 30). Disturbing for the calls to censor her, and amusing that the cupcakes believe the world can and should conform to them without freedom of any kind.

Did any of these self-righteous morons read their letters before sending them?

I don’t always agree with Shavana, but I never knew that my uncontrollable urge to blow up Iran occurred when I did agree with her. I have sent two letters disagreeing with columnist Tom Allon (Political Spin Cycle), and in neither did I demand that you censor him. Why? How can you defend yourself against the opposition without knowing what it is thinking?

Much of what was written was the same (very original). There were some from jolly old England that said such comments would not be allowed in Britain. Yes, Britain bans freedom of expression, or as they so daintily put it, hate speech. So why did these readers leave the land of diversity? Why did the majority of Britons vote for Brexit? There are more anti-Semitic attacks than anti-Muslim attacks. Don’t lie, period. If you want the Courier to print the truth, tell the truth.

The most inane statement is “a dangerous, sharp rise in anti-Muslim attacks.” Where? Aleppo? Don’t you think the press would be all over this, with Trump running for president? Then mentioned were attacks by American terrorists, some with religious overtones. But the Islamic terrorists’ attacks are based on religion only, regardless of how misguided or just plain wrong.

Until some maniac walks into a mosque with an automatic weapon and a bomb strapped to his waist, don’t waste my time with isolated crimes that may or may not be bias crimes. These readers blame Shavana for inciting violence and hate mongering, and then mention the voice of reason — Linda Sarsour.

Are you serious? Do you really think she is reasonable? It is totally amazing that someone would agree with someone who finds violence and hate mongering palatable. When you disagree, but can’t express yourself intelligently, attack something else, right? Saul Alinsky would be proud of you.

Regarding the statement that the Courier has shown cowardice by printing Shavana’s column. Well, considering the backlash and its willingness to print three pages of disagreement, I beg to differ.Paul J. Kelly

Bay Ridge

Reader to reader

To the editor,

Allan Rosen are we still loosing sleep over the change of the B36 bus stop (“MTArrggh!” Sound off to the Edigtor, Oct. 14)? You must have to much time on your hands. Again, get over it. I thought you were about safety? The person that got killed could have been anyone’s family member. Nobody likes change, but the Metropolitan Transportation Authority had to for the safety of others.

I understand your frustration that the riders have to walk a block to get the train but it’s only one short block. I used to live in Bensonhurst and I had to walk six-and-a-half blocks to the train station, so one block is not going to kill you.

Now about Bay Pizzeria, I thought this pizzeria had been there for decades, and I also read that the owner owed back rent and he’s blaming for his closing of his business due to the change of the bus stop? What a crock, excuse my French. Isn’t there another pizzeria on Sheepshead Bay Road? Isn’t it up to the individual to eat where they like? Bay Pizzeria did have good pizza, but maybe the other place was better, so stop blaming the M.T.A., Allan.

Oh, by the way the M.T.A. is raising the fare next year. How do you feel about that! Did you know that bus drivers in New York City and Los Angeles are paid the highest salary? And they want more? Now there’s something to loose sleep over! To me the M.T.A. are crooks when it comes to money, they claim they don’t have any. So where does the money go? The service doesn’t get better and some of the bus drivers have attitudes, but they still get their raises for sitting on their asses!

It doesn’t pay to lose sleep over this because the M.T.A. is going to do what they, want no matter what we say.

Name withheld upon request

Dumping on Trump

To the editor,

Donald Trump is unfit to be president.

With Election Day right around the corner, I can’t help but think about all that is at stake this year. Working people know that the path to prosperity starts with electing candidates who support a raising wages agenda. We have the opportunity to win equal pay, paid leave, fair scheduling, and higher wages. These are just some of the reasons why Donald Trump is the wrong choice for America.

The economic downturn has impacted millions of working people. Donald Trump has bragged about benefiting from the housing crash that left millions of Americans without a home. He has a history of not paying workers at his properties.

He has profited from the trade deals he speaks against. He outsources jobs at his own companies. He even boasts that not paying taxes makes him smart.

Voting is a right, and it’s a central part of our democracy. This year, with so much at stake, it is critical that we get out to vote and demonstrate the power working people have. We can’t risk electing a candidate who puts his profits ahead of the needs of working families. Let’s vote to ensure working men and women get the support we deserve.Bruno Prata


• • •

To the editor,

Stop Donald Trump. I don’t want Donald Trump as our president. He is not prepared to be president of America. Yuleny Arias


To the editor,

Republicans have blocked Obama since he was originally elected in 2008 with everything he tried to do, basically because he’s an African American and they couldn’t or wouldn’t accept the fact that a black man was elected president.

They have done everything and anything they could to derail him and prevent him from helping the country. From no jobs bill at the height of the U.S. bleeding 700,000 jobs a month after the Bush stock market crash, to ObamaCare, and finally to Merrick Garland, they have squashed even those bills that they originally supported. Their goal was to make him a one-term president, but luckily that didn’t work out for them.

Donald Trump is the original birther, and a racist, bigoted pig who treats women like objects for his own “enjoyment.” He harped on the birther issue for several years until Obama finally showed an acceptable birth certificate and then (along with Seth Meyers) made him the laughing stock at the annual correspondents dinner. To add insult to injury, the next night Obama got Osama bin Laden and sent him to a watery grave.

Trump wants to ban Muslims, send Mexicans back to Mexico (even those who have been here for many years and even have children born here), take us out of NATO, along with using the bomb wherever and whenever he chooses. He would sell the U.S. to Russia and escalate war in the Middle East, along with ending all bank regulations, dismantling the Environmental Protection Agency and other agencies, some of which were started originally under Republicans.

Both Trump and Republicans deserve what they’re now getting because of their treatment of President Obama. The Trump “tape” has squashed his run for the White House and sent Republicans into a tailspin which hopefully will play to our advantage on November 8, and allow us to expand Obama’s legacy and keep in place those laws (including executive orders) that he and the Democratic Congress, who were in the majority from when he took office until 2010, put into place.

Rosalie Caliendo



To the editor,

To all the women who support Trump, how you feel if he grabbed your daughter by her private parts? Would you still have high regard of him? Or would it be just locker-room talk that all the boys use.

I cannot remember any of my friends saying anything so hurtful towards women, so I guess for your daughters to have psychological scars for the rest of their lives is just fine.

If Trump gets away with this, what message does it send to other men who attempt the same thing? Just bear in mind many scars don’t heal, and the fear of men could be long-lasting. Do you think you’ll ever see grandchildren if your daughters have fear of men?

Solomon Rafelowsky

Brighton Beach

Care 4 caregivers

To the editor,

Mayor DeBlasio signed into law two bills that take important strides toward supporting both paid caregivers and unpaid family caregivers in an aging city.

That’s great news, and it can’t come soon enough. Across the state nearly 2.6 million unpaid family caregivers help make it possible for older adults and loved ones to live independently at home – and at a much lower cost to taxpayers than if they had to move to institutional care settings. As our population continues to rapidly age – and especially since the number of potential family caregivers can’t keep pace — we will need to make sure caregivers have the support they need.

And that’s what New Yorkers want; an AARP-commissioned survey found eight of every 10 city voters 50 and older felt strongly that elected officials should make support for family caregivers a priority.

Family caregivers help their older loved ones with medications and medical care, meals, bathing and dressing, chores and much more. And they do this all while often putting their own needs last, with many juggling full- or part-time jobs.

The two new laws require the Department for the Aging to identify the needs of unpaid caregivers and develop a comprehensive plan to address those needs, and to establish a new Division of Paid Care within the Office of Labor Standards.

Those are great steps, but this year’s city budget did not include adequate funding for services to help New Yorkers age independently at home. The next step for our city leaders is to make sure next year’s city budget does.

Beth Finkel

The author is the state director of AARP New York.

‘Feel-good’ bill

To the editor,

So the Congress and Senate grew a pair and overrode a presidential veto. Now the victims of the Muslim terrorists, who initiated the 9-11 attacks, can sue the home countries that have supposedly sponsored the death and destruction on our own soil. Good luck!

I can count on one finger, and you know which one that is, the success rate of obtaining a judgment against these rogue Muslim nations. I hope that anyone suing has a good stash of funds to pay their lawyers while their case drags out for decades.

It seemingly is a great feel-good bill, but don’t hold your breath for reparations!

Robert W. Lobenstein

Marine Park

Jes’ the facts

To the editor,

I would like to send my condolences to the mother who lost her life in Hoboken NJ train accident and to the injured. I wish them a healthy and speedy recovery as soon as possible.

The one federal agency I have great respect for is the national transportation safety board. I find this organization the most reliable when it comes to investigation of train, boat, and plane accidents. What I also admire they go through each and every piece of material to determine what caused the accident, and how to improve the problem so it won’t happen again. This process does not happen overnight. It can often take many months or a year or two for the results and recommendations.

Until all the facts come out I wish people wouldn’t jump to conclusions. Please let the experts do their job without interference from the papers who think they know how the accident took place.

My other wish that all other agencies would follow the same pattern, and be completely and honest with all investigations presented to them.

Jerry Sattler

Brighton Beach

Defending Japan

To the editor,

The U.S. spends $5.5 billion per year to provide military defense to Japan. Under the defense treaty, the U.S. is obligated to defend Japan, even if Japan provokes another country such as China, yet there is no reciprocal clause in the treaty.

As long as the U.S. military is providing defense to Japan, the U.S. must require that Americans are given the right to live, work, study, and operate a business in Japan, on an equal basis to Japanese citizens.

If Japan does not agree to provide U.S. citizens these rights, Japan should simply be declared a territory of the U.S., as our military is already in control of the country.

It is unfair that U.S. taxpayers are footing the bill for Japan’s security, as a result of Japan’s bad behavior in World War II, yet U.S. citizens cannot benefit from the fruits of the security.

Rev. Dr. Eric Hafner

Toms River, N.J.


To the editor,

According to the Department of Transportation’s web site, “double parking is illegal at all times, including when street cleaning is occurring, regardless of location, purpose or duration.”

At such times affected motorists routinely double park and leave their vehicles unattended on the opposite side of the street to avoid summonses. This practice blocks and prevent legally parked vehicles from moving. This is more than a mere inconvenience. At times, I have been late for or missed important appointments because double parked cars blocked egress. At other times double parked vehicles have prevented me from getting to my 97-year old mother who lives with advanced Alzheimer’s disease.

The NYPD does not enforce double parking rules. I have repeatedly watched traffic enforcement agents ticket vehicles parked on the wrong side of the street while inexplicably ignoring long lines of double parked vehicles. This enforcement failure allows motorists to violate the law and the rights of others with impunity.

The selective enforcement of traffic regulations has to stop. I recognize that double parking is not the highest police priority, but the law is still the law. If the police can target Eric Garner for selling individual cigarettes, then it can also enforce parking regulations. An occasional ticket blitz, which would require only limited time and resources, would go far to reducing this longstanding concern.

So, what’s holding the city back? It can only be a lack of political and administrative will.

Arnold Kingston

Sheepshead Bay

Never forget

To the editor,

Fifteen years ago, our neighborhood became the laser-focus point of the world, as an attack on our city and country brought down the World Trade Center. The effects of that attack set off a chain reaction of international events, many of them as unfathomably horrible as that day 15 years ago.

It isn’t talked about much, but the events of 9-11 also left residue on our neighborhood’s psyche, on our landscape, in our lungs. Incredibly, while politicians at the national level were quick to seize on our local and national tragedy to sow fear, division and hostility, we had to fight for compensation for first responders, and some parts of that fight are still ongoing. And of course the complicated financial and social issues that resulted from the once-tallest building in the world crumbling into our streets, those issues have not gone away. There are ripple effects in transit, in safety, in health, and in all facets of local governance, just as in our families and circles of friends.

That day left a deep scar in so many ways, but it also demonstrated that there are no people on Earth more cooperative or resilient than the people of Lower Manhattan. This neighborhood is beautiful, and it responded beautifully. The hugs we all gave to strangers in the weeks and months following 9-11, the loads we carried for each other, and the unquestioning help we gave to family and strangers, alike, were ephemeral symbols of a complicated, beautiful love we try to live out in our diverse community every day. The struggle that followed was hard, it was awful, but it was also true to our tradition of struggle for justice and reconciliation in this neighborhood, stretching back to the earliest days of American activism.

We may never have satisfactory answers, but may we always grow stronger by pulling together.

Paul Newell

Lower Manhattan

Free java

To the editor,

As temperatures fall, the desire for a warm cup of joe rises. On Sept. 29, celebrate National Coffee Day with a free or reduced-price cup of coffee at coffee shops nationwide.

In past years, Dunkin’ Donuts, Krispy Kreme, Caribou and many others have offered food and drink deals on this day.

Joan Mangano

Mill Basin


To the editor,

Congratulations to the people who voted for the Republican Party. After 9-11 devastated the whole country and many first responders gave their lives to save people what did your party do for them? I’d say nothing for years — while many were dying from toxic fumes your party was quiet.

It took many years for Congress to finally act and do the right thing, but did they really care? Then your Republican Congress decided to shut down the government. Once again your party decided not to fund this Zika outbreak to the full amount that the president wants.

Saving all lives from people who should never have a gun again hasn’t swayed your party. Then I wonder if one of their family members was killed by gun violence, would it make any difference?

Jerry Sattler

Brighton Beach

A-nniversary train

To the editor,

Happy anniversary to the A train! On September 10, 1932 service started on the A train, which originally ran between 207th Street in upper Manhattan and Chambers Street in downtown Manhattan.

This was the first city owned and built the Independent Subway System subway line. At the time, it was considered state of the art, with rattan seats, metal straps and overhead fans, and providing speedy service. The subway cars were so well built, many ran over 40 years into the early 1970s. The basic design of these cars served as the foundation for future generations right up to the present day. Stations on the A line were built to accommodate up to 11 car lengths. During the 1930s, the city began building and financing construction of the new independent subway — today’s A,C,E,F and G lines). This new municipal system completely subsidized by taxpayers dollars would provide direct competition to both the privately owned Interboro Rapid Transit (today’s 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 lines) and Brooklyn Manhattan Transit (today’s B,D,J,L,M,N,R,Q and Z lines).

The original base fare of five cents was established in 1913. Municipal government forced both the B.M.T. and I.R.T. into economic ruin by denying them fare increases in future decades that would have provided access to additional badly needed revenues. Big Brother, just like the Godfather, eventually made them an offer they couldn’t refuse. The owners folded and sold out to City Hall in 1940.

The A train became famous in the 1940s when jazz musician Duke Ellington wrote “Take the A Train.” The A line was extended in 1936, known as the “Fulton Street branch” and running thru Brooklyn, terminating at Lefferts Blvd. in Queens. When the Long Island Rail Road abandoned the Rockaway Beach Branch in the 1950s, the A line was extended to provide new service to the Rockaways on June 28, 1956.

In 1953, the old city board of transportation passed on control of the municipal subway system, including all its assets to the newly created New York City Transit Authority. Under late Governor Nelson Rockefeller in the 1960s, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority was created.

Many are too young to remember that up until the 1970s city transit extended E line service, which ran express in Brooklyn, providing supplemental service to the A line during rush hours to the Rockaways. Riders up until the early 1970s had to pay an extra fare when traveling beyond Broad Channel to any other station in the Rockaways.

For off peak and late night service, there was the old local shuttle from either Rockaway Park or Far Rockaway to Euclid Avenue Station which was the first stop in Brooklyn.

Larry Penner

Great Neck, N.Y.


To the editor,

All across the region I am noticing that McDonald’s is busy improving their hamburger joints, not for better aesthetics or customer service, but a direct response to the mandated $15 minimum wage.

The restaurant being rebuilt on Flatbush Avenue, near the Ryder Post Office is a prime example. My grandsons and I have visited several of these stores to see newly installed electronic-ordering kiosks where one doesn’t order food with a human, but through a video screen. We are told it is for better service, though it has been revealed that these new kiosks enable the company to substantially reduce staffing, thus improving their bottom line.

Well done (and not the burgers) to federal, state, and city legislators who through their concern to boost wages to aid minority workers have now hurt the very people in the community by eliminating their jobs.

Robert W. Lobenstein

Marine Park

‘Despicable me!’

To the editor,

Hillary hit the nail on the head, as I am one of those filling her “basket of deplorables.” I believe that political correctness has run amok. I believe that after almost a century of government handouts, everyone should stand on his or her merits, without being given special status.

I believe that being a citizen means standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and the American anthem. I believe in being proud of my country’s achievements in technology and business without apologies to those who add nothing to our greatness. I believe that certain politicians have been playing social experiments in the hope that we will soon be governed by those who openly follow Lenin and Marx.

Yep, I am proud to be one in that “basket of deplorables!” Oh my, despicable me!

Robert W. Lobenstein

Marine Park

Lights off!

To the editor,

The 1,250-watts lights on the sidewalks outside the Sheepshead-Nostrand Avenue Houses, as part of Mayor DeBlasio’s study on using lighting to deter crime, are so blinding that one must turn one’s head away, even from as far as a block away.

Because these are not high overhead lights, as are street lamps, but are only a few feet higher than eye level, the light shines right in one’s eyes. When walking or driving down Avenue V and turning into my street, the blinding light causes me to turn my head away or down. The inability to look straight ahead and be aware of one’s surroundings is counterproductive to the aim of deterring crime. It could also potentially cause a vehicular accident.

These lights also make the neighborhood look like a prison yard. Wouldn’t it make more sense to simply increase the wattage of the existing street lamps, which are overhead lights and do not shine directly in one’s eye?

Unless the light is increased throughout the whole area of the public housing, I don’t see how an occasional light placed at two-or-three-block intervals can do much to deter crime. Good intentions aren’t enough.

Shirley Ranz

Sheepshead Bay

Field of cleans

To the editor,

Something has to be done with some of these baseball players who look completely disheveled on the field.

How can they play ball in such hot weather with that long hair? Many sport beards as well. They look like they’re answering a casting call for the remake of the musical “Hair.”Kudos to the New York Yankees for having a policy which demands neat, clean shaven players on the field.

I’m not advocating a suit and tie on the field, but their appearance on the field is disgusting to view.

Ed Greenspan

Sheepshead Bay

Star spangled canner

To the editor,

It was sad to see the San Francisco 49’ers quarterback not stand for the National Anthem. Of course it is anyone’s right to not stand for the rasing of the flag, regardless of his reason for not doing, but he should realize many soldiers in the past and present have made the ultimate sacrifice for it.

There are still conflicts overseas, with are troops being put in harm’s way. If he has issues that are politically motivated or otherwise, he should put that aside to be respectful of the red, white and blue.

Joseph V. Comperchio



To the editor,

Certain professional sports players are making a political statement on the field by sitting for the national anthem and bashing cops. As citizens of this great country we can make a statement too.

The teams condoning these un-American actions deserve a good kick in the wallet. Find out which product endorses these teams and team members, and which products are advertised during the games, and then write to the head of each company, telling them that you will stop buying their products and spend your hard-earned dollars on competitors’ offerings. This, along with simply turning off the continuous anti-American drone on the television networks, should send the message that the playing field should be devoid of demonstrations and political activism.

Now grow up and play ball!

Robert W. Lobenstein

Marine Park

‘Teflon dame’

To the editor,

If “Teflon dame” Hillary Clinton was ever indicted for any crimes she committed, which is very doubtful, she should use the “Affluenza Defense,” which seems to apply perfectly in her case.

She is wealthy and successful. She shows signs having trouble functioning in normal society. She has trouble distinguishing right and wrong. She has a sense of entitlement. She believes she has a superior intellect, and doesn’t seem to understand the consequences of her actions and ignores the rules.

Peter G. Orsi

Marine Park

SBS’ ‘failure’

To the editor,

After a year and a half delay, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and the Department of Transportation finally released its B44 Special Bus Service Progress Report which your newspaper did not feel was worthy of a mention. Had you read and understood the report, you would see how through omissions and careful selection of data, they tried to show this failure as a success.

The purpose of S.B.S. was to reverse the declining trend in bus ridership and operate service more efficiently, using longer buses making fewer stops, thereby reducing costs. The goal supposedly was to help the passengers while having little impact on traffic using exclusive bus lanes. The M.T.A. claimed success by stating ridership was up by 10 percent.

All good until you read the fine print. Only S.B.S. ridership was up by 10 percent, and only during the second year while declining the first year. And that includes B49 riders who took the B44 S.B.S. only because it arrived first on Rogers Avenue. Local bus ridership declined four percent the second year, so with approximately the same numbers of passengers on S.B.S. and the local, the real B44 gain during the second year was only six percent, not ten percent.

But wait. It’s even worse than that. They don’t tell you that during the first year of operation, B44 ridership declined by eight percent. So when you look at all the numbers, B44 ridership is lower today than before S.B.S. started. Add to that the program cost $20 million to implement and $2 to $3 million additional each year to operate. Also traffic speeds on the streets where the exclusive bus lanes were implemented declined by about four or seven percent and increased by only one percent for one segment in one direction during one time period. Traffic speeds on surrounding streets also declined and parking spaces were lost. So exactly who benefitted?

Those making very long trips when the average B44 trip length is only 2.3 mph. It was an even exchange for most everyone else who traded shorter bus trips for longer walking distances to and from the S.B.S. bus stops which are as much as a mile apart because of the M.T.A.’s refusal to add an S.B.S. bus stop at Avenue R. Those former limited stop users were hurt by now being required to take the slower local as well as anyone else who needs Kings County- Downstate Medical Centers on New York Avenue.

The report is deficient by omitting the following topics: the need for some passengers to pay an extra fare to use S.B.S. if they want to change to the local and another subway or bus; inadequate public notice; unfair fare evasion summonses; the entire topic of fare evasion and the costs to reduce it; the need for additional S.B.S. bus stops; inadequate local service; poor bus service reliability; nearly empty S.B.S. buses during the peak hour south of Avenue X while the B36 is jam packed and skipping bus stops; fare machine reliability; or the failure to survey local passengers after S.B.S. was instituted as part of their satisfaction survey; deficiencies in signage and roadway markings or any mention of passenger trip times and walking distances. Some buses operating faster because they are making fewer stops does not necessarily translate into passengers being better served, yet that what the M.T.A. is asking us to believe.

Allan Rosen

The writer is a former director of bus planning for the M.T.A.’s N.Y.C. Transit Authority.

Donald Thump

To the editor,

How very interesting that Donald Trump is the only graduate of Trump University with a doctorate degree. The thing is what has he learned?

As a college student one is exposed to many new cultures and backgrounds which should broaden one’s understanding to learn and share knowledge with others, while making new friends. Instead all he did was find ways to insult Mexicans, Muslims and a Gold Star veteran who died for this country, and then insulted his mother for not speaking.

Trump also denies extreme weather changes that have taken place now and in the past. In California there’s been a five-year drought, and hundreds of families have lost their homes in constant wild fires. A few winters ago areas, some southern states had massive snow falls and ice storms that caused major roads to be closed down. This has never happened before. Also, the East Coast has had record heat waves. This should be a concern to each and everyone of us.

Trump says he could walk down Fifth Avenue and shoot someone without fear of being arrested. How does that make you feel to hear that when we’ve had so many killings? It makes me uncomfortable.

Solomon Rafelowsky

Brighton Beach

Junk justice

To the editor,

Sheldon Silver, the disgraced former Assembly speaker, was convicted of taking millions of dollars in bribes, but hasn’t done a day in prison yet.

Hillary Clinton doesn’t even get indicted after all her illegal shenanigans, and laughs about it while mocking the judicial system. I guess justice really isn’t completely blind for everyone.

Justice is supposed to be blind. Justice is supposed to be fair to everyone — no bias or prejudice because of who you are or how much money or fame you have.

First Lady Michele Obama once said, “For the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country.” I have to say this may be the first time in my adult life that I am not proud of my country.

Cronin Miller


Capt. America

To the editor,

In an era where political correctness is rampant, it was nice to see Captain America, a white guy, heralded as a hero. True, he is a comic book and movie character, but he rallies all to the great cause of the American way.

Some people are hell bent on decapitating statues of great Americans like Washington and Jefferson, along with brave civil war heroes, simply because that they are ignorant of history and their true contributions to America. To them it’s black or nothing!

They should stand back and be grateful that without these men building our country and protecting it, they wouldn’t have any opportunity at all to grouse about their color.

Times have changed and any hero of any ethnicity should be embraced, celebrated, and immortalized without first deciding whether their color is appropriate.

Robert W. Lobenstein

Marine Park

Trump humph

To the editor,

Donald Trump must have rocks in his head for saying Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) was not a war hero because he was captured. What evidence does Trump have that Senator McCain asked to be captured? He is extremely far fetched, to put it very gently, to imply it was McCain’s own fault.

By Trump’s way of thinking, if there are any more prisoners of war, he will feel it is too much trouble to rescue them.

Elliott Abosh

Brighton Beach

Ryan n’ Hil-liar-y

To the editor,

Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte gets drunk with some friends in Rio, vandalizes a gas station, pays for the damages, exaggerates and maybe even lies about what happened, then admits to what really happened, and apologizes sincerely and takes full responsibility for his stupid actions, but he’s getting crucified by the media, and the U.S. Olympic Committee is setting up disciplinary committee so he is punished accordingly.

He already lost some endorsements and he is being dragged through the mud by the court of public opinion. He is being called a disgrace and an embarrassment. I guess President Obama will be making a trip to Brazil, another stop on his apology tour, once he finishes his golfing vacation and visits Louisiana. Now, no argument from me that what Ryan did was just plain dumb, but shouldn’t the punishment fit the crime? After all, the guy didn’t kill anyone, he didn’t rob anyone, he didn’t mug an old lady or anything close. He got drunk and did something stupid. Give this guy a break, not because he is a 12-time Olympic medalist, but because many of us did some real stupid stuff too, and thankfully our lives weren’t ruined for it.

Hillary Clinton, who is a serial liar and has been for years, isn’t getting treated nearly as harsh as Ryan Lochte. She lied to the FBI, Congress and many times to the American people. She lied about Benghazi, she lied about landing in Bosnia under heavy gun fire, she lied about leaving the White House dead broke and in debt.

Her trail of lies goes back to when she was a lawyer for the Watergate investigation, when she was only 27 years old, but despite all her lies, Hillary became the first woman to be nominated by the Democratic Party to run for president — and she’s still lying.

Ryan Lochte went through enough while Hillary has been given an easy pass. She was rewarded for her lies, making millions of dollars giving speeches. Something ain’t adding up here.

Peter G. Orsi

Marine Park

To the editor,

When we were drafted during the Korean War, Hillary was playing with her dolls. We received $80 a month, and more for overseas.

After the military, we began our careers, and I chose teaching. In order to teach in the city in those days, you had to pass a series of exams, and if you failed one, you were finished.

By the mid-1950s, many people had a yearly salary of $4,000, and the total sum of the salaries of a cop, fireman, and teacher over 20 years wouldn’t add up to the $150,000 that Hillary Clinton is supposed to make for a speech. How much money did the party which hired her pocket?

I’d like to read a transcript of one of those speeches, for I want to know what her super-message is. It surely exceed the knowledge of Einstein, Aristotle, and Diogenes, and the wisdom of Confucius.

At a senior affair in Florida, an elderly lady said that she was present when Hillary kicked off her shoes and said she wished she had her dad’s World War I gas mask. No comment.

I have a question for people voting for Hillary because she’s a woman: Would you go to a beauty parlor to fix your teeth?

George Manos

Bay Ridge


To the editor,

First lady, New York senator, Democratic nominee are all terms that can be used to describe Hillary Clinton. Throughout her life, there have been many conspiracies and rumors about Clinton and her husband, Bill. The majority of these rumors and conspiracies have always sounded too spurious for a regular person to perceive as believable. Yet one piece of news that was reported in April sounded more bizarre than any prior conspiracy, and more like false reporting. “For the Ku Klux Klan, Clinton is our choice,” said Will Quigg, a California grand dragon. Quigg went on to say, “She is friends with the Klan, and all the stuff she is saying now; she’s saying so she can get into office. OK?” Hillary Clinton, the woman whom Republicans despise for being too far on the left side of the political spectrum, was endorsed by an important figure in an organization that is more Neo-Confederate Republican than any other in the U.S. Yet perhaps the Klan’s endorsement does have some reason behind it. There are a few major issues that make the KKK who they are: Firstly, their racist history, and secondly, their opposition to homosexuality. While Hillary Clinton was serving as a senator to New York, she was asked in 2004, what her stance on homosexuality and marriage is. She said she believed “marriage is not just a bond, but a sacred bond between a man and a woman.” (And only recently when the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage did she say that “marriage equality represents America at its best.”) Not only was she against homosexual marriage, but in 1994, her reaction to Bill Clinton’s “three strike” criminal bill was perceived as racist (another trait which the KKK has always possessed).

The then-first lady said, “They are not just kids anymore, they are often the kinds of kids which are called super predators, no conscience, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.” Super predators is a term used mostly to refer to black children who commit crime, and is considered a racist term. Even more recently, Dolly Kyle, Bill Clinton’s childhood friend told Sean Hannity in an interview that we should “watch the imperious way Hillary treats anyone beneath her, especially young black women.” He then confirmed his allegation that Hillary Clinton is racist and said, “I am absolutely suggesting she is racist.”

But it is not a surprise, since Democrats prior to Lyndon B. Johnson signing the Civil rights Act, were always the ones who supported racism. Perhaps Hillary Clinton is a classic Neo-Confederate Democrat. Just from her previous stances on race and homosexuality, one can understand why the KKK would come out in endorsing Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is also conservative. Gun control, abortion, and immigration are issues that Conservative Republicans have always had strong opinions on. Coincidently these issues are also ones that Clinton is passionate about. In April of 2008, then-Secretary Clinton said that she disagreed with then-Sen. Obama’s assertion that “people in our country cling to guns.” She then went on to say, “You know, my dad took me behind the cottage that my grandfather built on a little lake Winola outside of Scranton and taught me how to shoot when I was a little girl…You know, some people now continue to teach their children and grandchildren. It’s part of culture. It’s a part of a way of life. People enjoy hunting and shooting because it’s an important part of who they are.”

That statement sounds like it came out of the mouth of an old Texas conservative. Although since becoming secretary of state she has changed her opinion on guns, she did indeed have a pro-gun past. She has the same past with abortion as with guns. Although she was never quite clear on her abortion stance, she always said that no matter what, abortions should not happen frequently. During her run for president back in 2008, she said that abortions should be “safe, legal, and rare, and by rare I mean rare” — another opinion that she shared with Republicans.

Her stance on immigration follows the pattern. In Nov. 2015, Clinton was asked what she thinks about securing the Mexican border. She answered with no hesitation, “Well look, I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think you have to control your borders.” Yet again, as with the other issues, she has since has changed her stance on immigration into one more coherent with that of the modern Democrat.

America has become more liberal than ever before, and this is why Hillary Clinton is choosing to hide her conservative past, and choosing to display herself as the common liberal.

Batya Goldberg


‘No clue’

To the editor,

In all honesty, how could Schools Chancellor Carmen Farina say that the school system is better off with fewer suspensions?

Doing this will only embolden disruptive children to carry on even worse than they usually do. There is no fear now whatsoever since it appears that anything goes in our system.

The chancellor and mayor know full well that some of our schools are so bad that the military needs to be called in. We need to instill military discipline in these schools if we have any hope of salvaging them. Why is there no talk of returning to the 600-school concept for chronically unruly pupils? Are we afraid that if we did this, teachers would be able to teach and be recognized for their efforts instead of being admonished for not being able to “control” certain children?

The basic problem is that our so-called educational leaders and “experts” spent little or no time in the classroom, but are able to dictate policy. At least 10 years of teaching experience should be required before you become a supervisor. Experienced educators know the rigors of classroom teaching; others have no clue.

Ed Greenspan

Sheepshead Bay

Trump dump

To the editor,

I have had a lot of questions about Donald Trump’s qualifications to be president of our country, since he began his campaign, and his acceptance speech at the Republican Convention left me with a lot more.

First of all, how many writers did he hire to write his speech? Did he study it beforehand or just read it off a teleprompter without really knowing or caring what he was saying, as long as he got support from his listeners? How much of the speech did he really mean, besides the parts blasting Hillary Clinton?

Will Trump, if he becomes president, actually do any of the things he promised he would in his speech, other than building a wall between us and Mexico which will undoubtedly antagonize Mexico and many other countries, and not keep out terrorists or drug dealers? They will either break through the wall or tunnel under it. Will Trump send thousands of homeless immigrants, including hungry children, back to their homelands to be either assassinated or starve to death? Trump now says he wants to help all Americans, including women, minorities and L.G.B.T. citizens. Can we really believe him?

Trump’s speech and Hillary Clinton’s supposed carelessness or dishonesty have left me wondering if there is such a person as a completely honest politician, and whether a completely honest politician could win an election. I doubt that honest Abe Lincoln could have won the presidency in today’s political environment. However, I do think that Hillary Clinton, honest or not, is far more qualified to run our country than Donald Trump. I have a few questions for Trump that he has never answered: Why haven’t you released your tax returns? Why did you create, sponsor, support, and give your name to a fraudulent so-called university that bilked thousands of students out of hundreds of thousands of dollars? How do you expect to manage our country’s budget when you couldn’t even keep your hotels and casinos in Atlantic City from going bankrupt?

Hopefully, we’ll have all the answers we need before November.

Elaine Kirsch


War and peace

To the editor,

Another senseless loss of life in Nice, France, where men, women, and children who had nothing to do with politics of the country paid the ultimate price.

Can leaders be so blind? For every loss of life, the anger of many begins to build up. Quite often we hear that war should be the last resort, but why do we continue bombing countries that never attacked our nation?

I suppose that history will not judge us in a positive way. We stoke the flame of anger with each bomb drop and drone strike that kills innocent people. Payback is what we reap.

How many times have we heard let’s have a dialogue? Have we really tried that? Or are they just a bunch of empty words?

Name withheld upon request

Err waves

To the editor,

I tried to watch the Republican National Convention only to find that regular broadcast TV — a wasteland of inane comedies, unreal reality shows, and a spattering of highly filtered and biased network convention coverage — did not have continuous coverage of this most important event. I and the millions of others who have cut the cord find that we just have to muddle through whatever limited coverage is offered.

It is only too well known across this land that the talking heads of the networks have their own slanted democratic agenda, which are only to be believed with a really big grain of salt.

After they put their spin on the events, we’ll just have to keep our eyes and ears open to get the straight story.

Robert W. Lobenstein

Marine Park

Bad sports

To the editor,

It’s baseball season again. Teams will be battling it out on baseball diamonds across the country.

I watched a game in which the Atlanta Braves were playing. It was obvious to me that Native Americans would be offended by this team being called “Braves” and having a tomahawk symbol on their uniforms. Another offensive thing is the tomahawk chop.

The equivalent of that would be to have a team called the San Francisco Soldiers, and the symbol on their uniform was a rifle, with fans doing a mock rifle shoot in the stands. I think many people in this country would be offended by that.

After the genocide we caused them, the least we can do is to treat Native Americans decently.

Jerome Frank

Coney Island

Ain’t no rest

To the editor,

I hate it when I’m trying to exercise at Dreier-Offerman Park in a quiet atmosphere, when some folk insist on turning the children’s playground next to the basketball court into their personal amphitheater.

Layfayette Park is also a total lost cause, with loud music blaring in the mornings. I tired of complaining to the city with no corrective action taken and no warnings of any kind given to the offenders.

Music should be confined to a gym or home, unless it’s played on headphones.

Joseph V. Comperchio

Bath Beach

Coney past

To the editor,

I will never call Coney Island the “People’s Playground.”

Hurricane Sandy changed the lives of people living there, and many residents are still struggling years later, but every year there is a hot-dog eating contest, the Mermaid Parade, and other festivities. Now there is the new amphitheater. But do the residents benefit from any of these events? I think not.

With more traffic congestion now, how will any emergency vehicles, such as police, fire, and ambulance, will be able to respond in time to save lives?

I remember when there was a rush to not only replace the amusement area, but also the broken Boardwalk from West 12. Street to Stillwell Avenue. Wow, how fast those new boards were replaced. Can’t say the same about the other broken and cracked wood that has not been repaired.

So, people will fall on the Boardwalk, sue the city, and collect more money. Don’t you think it would be more cost affective to fix the boards?

Right next to Childs Restaurant there was a beautiful community garden. African Americans, Spanish, Russians had their own plot of land to grow fruits and vegetables. Each group got along in an open and friendly manner. I felt at peace there, with only the sound of the water being used to keep the plants alive, and nourish the fruits and vegetables.

It’s a shame when the same city talks about having a clean environment and decides to destroy all the hard work of those community gardeners.

Jerry Sattler

Brighton Beach

‘Comm’ off it

To the editor,

I read Jerome Frank’s letter about how the media is not liberal, but conservative ((“Rob ‘ Jerome,” Sound off to the Editor, July 10). I want to thank you for a good laugh, but my next thought was how can an adult person be so naive?

Jerome, for you knowledge, the media is overwhelmingly liberal and bias. I emigrated from a so-called Latin-American country. I know what Communism does to people.

When I was younger my compatriots were immigrating in masses to Venezuela for a better future. Venezuela was the most prosperous country in Latin America. And now after years of Communism the Venezuelan people are looking in the garbage disposals to feed their children.

I am old enough to remember the old Soviet Union where stores were empty and people were waiting in line to buy any food available. Today if you visit Russia and the rest of the former Soviet Union, nobody is waiting in line for food, the stores are full of merchandise. So what does Venezuela today and the former Soviet Union have in common? The answer is very simple: Communism.

Is that what you want for the United States? The most corrupt politicians in the United States in recent history are the Clintons, without a doubt. They did not invent bribery, but they perfected it. Do you really think that anybody pays hundred of thousands of dollars to listen to Hillary’s words of wisdom?

Then you were parroted the Clintons’ line about Donald Trump failing several times in his businesses. That is right, he failed and he picked himself up, and he started again, that is something to admire, actually.

Hillary never failed because she never risks her own money, she is playing safe, she is always using our money.

Ana Pusar

Marine Park

Blame game

To the editor,

Everyone seems to be blaming someone else for the killings of black men, the killings of cops, the killings of people in custody, the killings of innocents — whether at war or just walking down the street minding their own business.

I’ve heard it’s the president’s fault, the mayor’s, Al Sharpton’s, the guns’, the judges who let loose career criminals, and parents who don’t give their children family values and discipline, or teach them about consequences for bad actions.

We can blame friends, gangs, the father who wasn’t around, the courts and the legal system, drugs, unemployment, the media, and the weather. Hey, what about blaming Ted Turner, who started the 24-hour cable news networks bombarding us with much of the same stuff over and over. But let’s not blame the rotten, dirty, no-good, demented scoundrel who pulls the trigger or causes the mayhem.

He’s usually just a good boy who made a mistake or is being falsely accused. Just look at his cherubic face on his first-grade graduation picture, but don’t look at the one on social media — you know the one where he is holding a gun and flashing gang signs.

Peter G. Orsi

Marine Park

Oy vey

To the editor,

Jewish people have a way of addressing trouble with two little words — oy vey — and oy vey, do we have trouble. We have a president worse than Carter or Nixon. This president lied and made a treaty with a terrorist country that calls for the death to America and Israel.

We also have the worst-ever mayor who should go to jail. We have a Congress which would rather protect pedophiles and perverts than innocent children. Oy vey! Oy vey!

What can we look forward to? Two wannabe presidents who out-lie each other. What to do? Just say oy vey and go on our way.

Jay Sonners

Coney Island

Parking hogs

To the editor,

I live on East Third Street between Avenues X and W. There are two cars, owned by brothers, that are constantly illegally parked during alternate side parking.

We have alternate side parking on the west side of the street on Tuesday and on the east side of the street on Fridays. The two cars parked illegally are left in the same parking spots for months — one of the cars has been in the same spot since January! Currently they are parked on the west side of the street which has alternate side parking rules on Tuesday. The reason why they get away with this because they have covers they put on their cars that prevent Sanitation from issuing tickets.

I understand that there are problems like this in other parts of Brooklyn — some are also worse than my street — and I was told by someone knowledgeable that these cars were slated to be towed away, but they still sit here. If the city doesn’t have enough tow trucks to handle the removal of all these illegally parked cars, then it should let towing companies in each borough bid in order to remove these cars.

I know the police have many priorities during their shifts and this maybe considered low priority and a quality of life issue, but I and my fellow car owners in this neighborhood have to drive around sometimes half an hour or more to find a legal parking spot so we don’t get ticketed. We usually have to walk several blocks to get home and go back to our cars, yet because these cars have covers — one has a beige cover and the other a blue cover — preventing Sanitation from seeing their registration stickers so they can be ticketed they get to skirt the law.

Car covers are illegal on city streets. You can use them for a car parked on your driveway or in your garage, but not on a city street. This is not fair and something has to be done to ticket them and make sure they don’t park these cars for weeks and months at a time, abusing the alternate side parking regulations.

Name withheld upon request


To the editor,

I am not one to wrote to newspapers, but the letter from Charles K. Barra — regarding his mother getting a summons for double parking her car — made my blood boil (“Law and marauder! City’s ‘unfair’ ticket blitz,” Sound off to the Editor, June 2).

Does Charles and his mother know that to double park a car is against the law? It causes lots of accidents. Alternate side street parking means that the Sanitation Department sweeper can sweep that particular street. When the sweeper driver sees cars double parked, it is difficult to get through, and many times skips the street. Therefore that street has litter, and along comes the Sanitation inspector and gives the homeowner a summons (the 18-inch law).

How dare Charles and his mother think they were not performing a criminal act by double parking a car. If she is elderly, as he says, and does not know the law about double parking, she should not be driving a car. If any councilman is helping them, he is enabling them to break the law.

Thank God for the diligent meter-enforcement agents. I hope there are hundreds more like that because double parking is against the law.

Name withheld upon request


To the editor,

There are not too many jobs around, as technology seems to have taken over. At my local Chase Bank, there are the usual ATM machines at the entrance, but now they are in the lobby itself — two machines have taken the place of two tellers.

When will the two remaining teller windows be replaced by machines? I find it very disturbing.

I like to do my banking with a human, one who smiles and wishes me a good day, not a machine that spits out receipts and currency.

Etta Dorf

Sheepshead Bay

Brexit and USA

To the editor,

British exit and America’s future choice!

The vote taken in Great Britain to extract them from the European Union is a direct result of government ignoring the will of the people. Citizens ultimately get frustrated, angry, and then decide that; they must take matters into their own hands.

This scenario has unfolded over many millennia when the people, fed up, rise against their existing ruling establishment and yet another change of government is executed. For better or worse.

What happened in England, now expanding to Germany and other European Union member states, should be a clarion call to the entire American government. Your people are sick and tired of the same bull, year after year. Your people are frustrated at the severe lack of representation this republic was founded upon. Your people are disgusted with city, state, and federal elected officials ignoring the will of the constituents and, going on a tangent, doing the exact opposite of what they were voted in to do. Your people see the deteriorating conditions when it comes to foreign policy, finances, and immigration, and their calls for help and change fall on deaf politician’s ears.

I know in my heart that there will be no change from now until November where the citizens will be given a stark choice. Then and only then will the people make it known at the ballot box the direction they want to take. Do they want to continue being “sheeple” led down a road to third-world status or will they grow a pair and say enough is enough, and force a major change.

It’s in your hands now my friends — your hands!

Robert W. Lobenstein

Marine Park

Dems’ hissy fit

To the editor,

So now the Democrats in the Congress and Senate are throwing a hissy fit because they didn’t have the votes to pass a Second Amendment-compromising, anti-gun bill. Since they couldn’t get their way, they staged a takeover of the house, fostering demonstrations and sit-in protests.

It is funny to note that the gentlemen and women Republicans have never done anything as despicable as this, and cause such uproar in the sacred halls of government. When we lost a vote, we grumbled a bit, licked our wounds and continued forward. I guess the old adage is true where Democrats are seen as low-life street people where the Republicans show a touch of class in their dealings.

Hopefully, this fall, Democrats do not retake the house, senate and presidency where mob rule applies!

Robert W. Lobenstein

Marine Park


To the editor,

Problems with New York City Transit subway and buses may be attributed to less funding provided by both Albany and City Hall, not Washington.

Federal support for transportation has remained consistent and gro