
Red, white and blue salute to the armed forces

Red, white and blue salute to the armed forces

Against the thunder of a 21−gun salute, a sea of red, white and blue triumphed in Bay Ridge as flag−waving patriots took to the streets to recall the valor of America’s war heroes with a Memorial Day parade, sponsored by the United War Veterans of Kings County Memorial Day Parade Committee.

The prideful hordes pounded the pavement alongside marching bands, banner groups and local veterans organizations, stepping off the 142nd annual jaunt at 79th Street and 3rd Avenue – the nation’s oldest, continuously−run parade.

Marchers strode along 4th Avenue and over to John Paul Jones Park for rites, including a wreath placement and the raising of a flag, led by a distinguished group of grand marshals, including Iraq war veteran Nick Mosby and seven wounded servicemembers sponsored by Hope for the Warriors.