
Results of the Greenpoint Mac Off — with video!

Results of the Greenpoint Mac Off — with video!
The Brooklyn Paper / Julie Rosenberg

Our intrepid and mac-and-cheese-loving editor, Gersh Kuntzman, “covered” Sunday’s Greenpoint Mac Off, that annual walking tour of the neighborhood’s best macaroni-and-cheese entrees.

Kuntzman is a seasoned professional, a Gruyere-lover to boot, so obviously he was disappointed by the results of both the celebrity judging and the audience selection.

And the “winners” of the Greenpoint Mac Off are:

Judges’ pick: The Habitat.

Popular selection: t.d.b. bar.

The “popular” win for t.d.b. comes with a major asteriks, however: The ballot box was placed at that bar, which was the last stop on the boozy four-stop tour.