
Ridgites take to the streets for 44th-annual Third Avenue Festival

Ridgites take to the streets for 44th-annual Third Avenue Festival
Photo by Jon Farina

One day after the Ragamuffin Parade, thousands of Ridgites once again flooded Third Avenue on Oct. 15 to take part in the avenue’s 44th annual festival.

The 25-block fest, which stretched from 69th to 94th streets, offered local tunes and treats, plus fun for all ages, according to one Ridgite who attended.

“It was great, we had so much fun,” said Melissa Gear, who attended with her 4-year-old daughter, Julia. “She really enjoyed the stuff for the kids. She loved the bouncy houses and the games.”

The kids of the Ridge — and the adults — had the chance to play games for prizes, jump around a bouncy house, swing high in the sky in a pirate ship ride, and sample the nabe’s famous foods from a variety of restaurants. Local vendors were also on hand, offering their clothes, toys, and accessories.

One Staten Island family even crossed the Narrows to enjoy the avenue’s fair, with the mom of the crowd saying that her sons were so overwhelmed with the fun they didn’t know which stalls to hit first.

“It was a blast,” said Heba Abusbeih, who attended with her three boys, Maher, Noah, and Mohammed. “There was so much to do, we didn’t know where to start.”

Reach reporter Julianne McShane at (718) 260–2523 or by e-mail at jmcshane@cnglocal.com. Follow her on Twitter @juliannemcshane.