
Robbing bike — with machete

It was his way of cutting through the BS: Instead of convincing a child to hand over his bike, an 18-year-old thief found it less time-consuming to show him the machete that he kept under his shirt, cops from the 68th Precinct were told this week.

Police said that a 12-year-old boy was crossing the corner of Sixth Avenue and 66th Street at 5:20 p.m. on September 6 when four teenage thugs grabbed him.

The 18-year-old reportedly pulled his machete and ordered the boy to hand over his wheels.

Looking at the menacing weapon, the child quickly handed the bike over, but the thief wanted more.

“What else do you have?” the thief asked.

The victim said he had nothing else of value, but he was betrayed by the earphones leading to his iTouch, cops were told.

The thieves made off with the bike and the iTouch, leaving the victim unharmed.

Cops were still looking for the thieves as this paper went to press.

Anyone with information regarding this incident is urged to come forward at (718) 439-4211. All calls will be kept confidential.