
Sending out bouquets of flowers to HeartShare

Sending out bouquets of flowers to HeartShare

Brooklyn Heights

Put your hands together for HeartShare and St. Vincent’s Services. The charities raised more than $300,000 at their annual dinner dance on Nov. 19 to help New Yorkers overcoming the challenges of family crisis, addiction, mental illness, and poverty.

This year’s honorees were the Serenbetz Family Foundation and Andrea (Dea) S. The Serenbetz Family Foundation has championed children’s education and advancement through its endowment grants and legacy scholarships, benefitting young women like Andrea to reach their full potential despite their hardships.

Andrea faced many trials moving state to state and attending different schools as a child in foster care. Now she wants to diffuse the difficulties for others.

“I want kids entering foster care to have an understanding of their rights within the system,” says the Skidmore College student, who hopes to major in business and international affairs.

Board chairman Ken Nolan thanked the honorees for their commitment to improving lives.

“The Serenbetz Family and Andrea personify the core principles at the heart of HeartShare St. Vincent’s Services,” he said. “One through tremendous financial support and the other for taking positive advantages of the opportunities made possible by such support.”

Standing O offers heartfelt thanks to HeartShare and the awardees for their generosity of spirit, and sends them well-deserved shout-outs.

HeartShare St. Vincent’s Services [66 Boerum Pl. and Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn Heights, (718) 522–3700].

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