
She passed out — and then was mugged

76th Precinct

Blackout lout

Someone stole a wallet and a phone from a woman who passed out on Amity Street on Oct. 24.

The 37-year-old victim said she passed out at around 12:15 am near Henry Street, and when she awoke at Long Island College Hospital at around 5 am, her iPhone and wallet were missing.

Sadism 101

A teen branded a classmate with a quarter on Summit Street on Oct. 26.

The 13-year-old victim told cops that a cruel art class comrade at the Mary McDowell Center for Learning near Henry Street heated a quarter with an iron, then taped the scorching coin to the back of his neck at around 2 pm, causing a second-degree burn. The sadistic teen was arrested and charged with assault.

Dikeman dopes

A pack of 10 teens tried to rob a man at gunpoint on Dikeman Street on Oct. 25.

The 33-year-old victim said the cretinous crew surrounded him at around 8:25 pm near Conover Street, sticking a gun in his chest. The man pushed the gun aside, and was promptly clubbed over the head with an unknown object. The pack fled the scene.

Butter fingers

Someone stole a purse from a Smith Street clothing boutique on Oct. 25.

The victim, a 29-year-old employee of Smith and Butter, near Butler Street, said she stashed her purse behind the counter at around 11 am. But when she returned to retrieve her belongings at 1 pm, they were gone.

The thief made off with a phone, credit cards, gift card, make-up and keys, valued at $449.

Bat bully

Someone assaulted a driver with an aluminum baseball bat on Henry Street on Oct. 25.

A witness said a black Chevy pulled up behind another vehicle near W. Ninth Street at around 11 pm, and began hitting the driver in the head, back, arms and hands with the bat. The slugger ran off, and the 36-year-old victim survived, and was taken to Lutheran Medical Center.

Car napped

Someone stole a car from Smith Street between Oct. 24 and Oct. 26.

The 83-year-old victim told cops that he parked his 1995 blue Chevy Lumina near Fourth Place at around 12:15 am, and when he returned to it two days later at around 5 am, it was missing. The car was valued at $3,000.


Someone broke into a Degraw Street apartment on Oct. 28, topping off the deed by hurling a can of paint through a ground-floor window.

The 54-year-old victim said that he left the basement apartment near Hoyt Street at 7:30 am and returned at 6:15 pm to find that $3,000 worth of audio and video equipment was missing, and his ground-floor window looked like something out of the Guggenheim.

— Gary Buiso