
She’s 101 years young!

She’s 101 years young!


They say it’s your birthday!

Blow out the candles for Rachel Walfish who turned 101 years young on Dec. 10. Our pal Rachel celebrated the milestone with friends, local pols and staff at the MJHS adult day health center, even our very own Borough President Markowitz sent a proclamation and state Sen. Marty Golden (R–Bay Ridge) wished her well. And the cake, well that was really big, so big that it fit all 101 candles without a problem. You should have seen it — it was quite the bonfire!

Born in Poland in 1910, Rachel married in 1938 and escaped to Russia in 1939 when the Nazis, invaded the country. She returned with her family to Poland in 1946 and then moved to the U.S. in 1956 after a short stay in Israel. Since then she has astounded her friends with her amazing command of four languages: Polish, Russian, Yiddish and English — quite a feat for Standing O, who barely has command over English. Standing O wishes Rachel another 100 years.

MJHS Adult Day Health Center [6202 16th Ave. between 62nd and 63rd streets in Bensonhurst, (718) 759-4300].

Reach reporter Joanna DelBuono at jdelbuono@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-2523.