
Sissy Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s desertion puts all Americans in harm’s way

War is a necessary evil as long as there are oppressors in the world, and the United States exists on the backs of brave and dutiful soldiers, not disloyal wimps like Bowe Bergdahl who needs to be stripped of his sergeant’s stripes and hauled to a military court to answer for his desertion.

Five Taliban cutthroats were released in exchange for his freedom last week, at liberty to kill Americans another day, after the lily-livered soldier is believed by some to have abandoned his outpost in Afghanistan in June 2009 and walked into the lair of his terrorist captors.

Bergdahl’s reunion with his loved ones is great for them, but it must be a dagger in the hearts of the bereft families of Second Lieutenant Darryn Andrews; Staff Sergeants Clayton Bowen, Michael Murphrey, and Kurt Curtiss; and Privates First Class Morris Walker, Matthew Martinek, Aaron Fairbairn, and Justin Casillas, whose deaths have been linked to the disappearance of their comrade, who should have requested an official exit if he could no longer muster up the spine to serve his country instead of resorting to alleged desertion — a crime punishable during war time by death.

The casualties might have been inevitable, but there is little doubt that the exhaustive search effort needlessly imperiled American soldiers who otherwise may not have been in the wrong place at a doomed time.

Bergdahl’s rescue, expertly executed by special-ops heroes, is also a weapon of mass destruction for our amateurish commander-in-chief who blew his chance to rise above his smorgasbord of scandals — two dozen and counting — by negotiating with hard core terrorists, further endangering the lives of all Americans.

Bergdahl slunk off like a loser in a lethal war on terror he must have known about, unless he was living under a rock for the past 13 years, was a complete moron with the IQ of lint, or was a sympathizer of drug-addled Islamo-junkies who behead women and children — and innocent Americans — for gags.

No American soldier has been drafted into the military since 1972, and Bergdahl inked the dotted line of his own free will before heading to the stronghold of an avowed adversary. He most certainly was not dragged kicking and screaming to an enrollment office and waterboarded into signing the oath of enlistment.

Generations of ordinary Americans, up to present day, have made extraordinary contributions on the front lines to keep their kin and country safe. They, too, were embittered, morally ravaged, and near-insanity as they slogged away at a relentless, remorseless enemy without an end in sight. Yet they persevered — and continue to — against hardships the rest of us cannot imagine because of a burning desire to defend the American way of life and a commitment to their word, eternally indebting liberty lovers everywhere.

Their heroic efforts to uphold our democracy make it possible for Bowe Bergdahl to live another day in what he has said is “the most conceited country in the world unlike the courageous soldiers who may have surrendered their lives for a selfish sissy.


Read Shavana Abruzzo's column every Friday on BrooklynDaily.com. E-mail here at sabruzzo@cnglocal.com.