Call it a work in!
Brooklynites who have self-quarantined to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus can still get fit by imitating Borough President Eric Adams, who took to social media Sunday night to show off some of his own workout routines in the spacious foyer of Borough Hall.
The beep posted a pair of videos on Twitter demonstrating his fitness routine, which included doing pull-ups while hanging from stairs and jumping jacks on the landing, all while blasting rapper Jay Z’s song “As One” through the governmental building and ersatz exercise emporium.
“I can’t get to the gym because of coronavirus; all of our gyms are closed,” Adams said in the video, which he posted just after 11 pm. “You can still exercise right in your own home, and this is what I do while I’m in Borough Hall.”
The late-night broadcasts came days after Adams hosted a guided meditation session with guru Jon Aaron on his YouTube channel, saying that Kings Countians could all use the peace of mind that comes from checking in with their spiritual selves.
“I’ve said it many times and I will say it now: meditation can help combat this,” said Adams. “While we may be feeling isolated socially by our physical separation, we can still come together spiritually through meditation and unity.”
Adams has frequently professed the benefits of keeping fit, eating a vegan diet, and remaining flexible, but despite his recent guides on how to get swole and stay calm while confined within your own home, the 2021 mayoral contender has been slow to let his staff work remotely during the pandemic outbreak.
He reportedly forced nearly his entire 65-member staff to commute to Borough Hall until March 20, when he said that he would follow Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s directive to allow employees to telecommute, according to the New York Post.
A spokesman confirmed that Adams is now letting his staff work remotely.
“In response the Governor’s order on Friday for 100 percent of the workforce to remain at home, we instituted an office-wide telecommuting policy effective today,” Jonah Allon said on Monday.