Last week, we spoke a bit about Eric Holder’s Feb. 17 comment that if FOX News didn’t talk about our president not using the words “Muslim radicals” and “Islamic fanatics,” it would have nothing to talk about.
Nothing to talk about? Mr. Holder, wake up and tune in for an hour.
The next evening, on Feb. 18, I sat in front of the tube with a pad and pencil on my lap and watched one complete hour of Greta Van Susteren’s show. I counted fifteen guests and reporters who discussed fourteen different topics.
Okay Mr. Holder, in the words of Uncle Milty’s pitchman — “You say you’re not satisfied? You say you want more for your money?” Here goes. On the very next night, Feb. 19, I watched “The Kelly Files.” Megan Kelly, along with twelve reporters and guests, discussed eleven different timely topics.
Mr. Holder, I will be sending you a copy of this column and I am looking forward to your apology — but I’m not holding my breath.
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I love this country. Like so many of us, I was a very poor youngster and, as I have told you several times, I not only worked my way through college, I worked while attending high school and junior high school.
This country gave me the opportunity to become more than just comfortable. I live a great life and I owe all my successes to that opportunity. As corny as this may sound, every time I pass an American Flag I salute it because I love it and I love this country.
Have you noticed that besides schools and post offices Old Glory is waved from almost all car dealerships — and the largest flags wave over the dealers that sell Japanese cars?
My friends will attest to the fact that I say God bless America several times a day. For many years, our president sat in a house of worship listening to his religious leader spewing “God damn America.” If you were sitting in a church or synagogue and your priest or rabbi shouted “God damn America,” how many minutes would it take for you to get up and walk out? Twenty? Ten? For me it would be less than one.
Obama listened to Reverend Wright’s hatred of the United States for nineteen years. Mayor Giuliani may be on to something. Before you attack him, you just might want to think about Obama and his religious experiences as an adult.
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It took the jury less than three hours to find Eddie Ray Routh guilty of capital murder in the deaths of Chad Littlefield and “American Sniper” Chris Kyle. After polling the jury, Judge Jason Cashon immediately sentenced Routh to spend the rest of his life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Some of those guys already in the can may be more than a little ticked off that Routh murdered an American hero for no reason. I am StanG