
Stan gets all Larry King on you

To the readers who enjoy the many thoughts that are scribbled on those tiny scraps of paper I find when I empty the pockets of my shirts and trousers — these are for you.

For many years we’ve been hearing that the residents of the United States are the most obese people on the planet. We placed the blame on McDonald’s, couch potatoes, and large surgery sodas. No matter how much you may dislike his intervention in our private lives, there is something to be said for the Mayor Bloomberg edicts. Now, for the first time in modern history, our honors and tributes have been replaced and passed on to our neighbors south of the border. According to the offices of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization where such statistics are analyzed, Mexico is now the most obese nation on earth. At this very moment thousands of chubby Mexicans are marching around the groaning board tables chanting, “Somos el numero uno! Somos el numero uno!

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No matter how you feel about the Trayvon Martin murder case in Sanford, Florida, one thing is for sure. There are now many fewer volunteers for the much-needed community patrols all over our neighborhoods.

How about that judge who instructed the jury to disregard something that was already said? How is one supposed to un-hear something that they already heard? How do you un-ring a bell?

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The word “bogo” has become part of the English language. In advertisements all over the country it means “buy one get 0ne.” It would be nice if the price of the one I am supposed to buy is put in the advertisement. Many times it is not, and while I am shopping I can’t help noticing that the price for the first item is double that of the week before. The net result, if I fall for their shtick, is that I am now buying two at the regular price. Many shoppers fall for this.

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Do our youngsters see enough smut on TV? The folks who control what we view obviously think they don’t. There is now an attempt by the FCC to relax the current restrictions and by doing so will permit the stations to telecast more nudity.

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Besides fund-raisers, people in politics love to borrow money, often with very little intention of paying it back. As of today there are many presidential candidates that still owe a lot of money in outstanding campaign debts. I know that you are curious about the amount of dollars that President Obama owes. Here goes — according to USA Today, the man residing in the White House still owes $3.1 million. He flies all over America to attend fund-raisers in his honor. Where is that money going? Do you think he’ll ever repay his debt?

Don’t get nervous. Believe it or not he isn’t high hook. Newt Gingrich wears the gold medal in that department. Mr. Speaker still owes $4.6 million dollars from the last election. It’s only my opinion, but I am certain that both Newt and Obama could raise the funds to repay their loans — if they wanted to.

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Twinkies are back. Hooray! How much did you miss them? I am StanGershbein@Bellsouth.net telling you that I didn’t miss them one bit and I don’t know anyone who did.

Read Stan Gershbein's column every Monday on BrooklynDaily.com.