
Stan knows where the money should go — and it ain’t to Congress

I watched a piece of one of the Schumer interviews on the tube and was so angry that I turned it off before I threw something at the television. Thank you Senator Schumer. You and many of your colleagues on both sides of the aisle are in favor of cutting veteran benefits.

We give billions of dollars in foreign aid to countries that hate us, burn our flag in public, and do not vote with us in the United Nations. Yet many of our men and women in the military who return to their families without arms and legs and have some mental disabilities, according to you and many of your friends, are not only unworthy of an increase in their benefits package, you are in favor of a decrease. Shame on all of you and your colleagues from both parties who agree with you.

I cringe every time I see an ad like the ones for the Independence Fund and the Wounded Warrior Project. These are organizations that should be receiving enormous assistance from our government, yet they have to rely on charities to serve our heroes.

Furthermore, Sen.Schumer, you declare that members of Congress have not received a pay raise in 10 years — and for them you can find the money. Oh, puleeze. You, the plural you, have the best job in the country. Congress is in session about 150 days a year. When you are not on Capitol Hill you are “working” your home state. “Working,” to our elected officials, is almost always campaigning and fund-raising. So how many days do our elected representatives really work? According to some information I found on the Internet, they work approximately 200 days a year.

Now, let us add the oversized expense accounts to all the perks. Voila — you have been overpaid for the past 10 years. Be a mensch, Chuck. Take that raise that you want for yourselves, find a few more bucks, and join me in supporting the men and women who really deserve our assistance.

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Phil Robertson had every right to say what he said. Those that are opposed to what he said had every right to be opposed. A&E had every right to fire the patriarch of the Ducks Dynasty clan, then reinstate him. And those that disagree have every right to boycott the station. This is still a nation with some rights. Isn’t America grand.

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United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice — remember her? The other night, on “60 Minutes,” she said something about the United States not seeing a successful terrorist attack on our homeland since 9-11. Huh? Does she not know about the marathon bomber or perhaps she just doesn’t consider Boston part of our homeland?

Hey lady. Wake up.

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Delta Airlines has announced that there will be no cellphone calls permitted on Delta flights. I am StanGershbein@Bellsouth.net asking you all to join me as I shout “Yay!”

Read Stan Gershbein's column every Monday on BrooklynDaily.com.