A little bit of this and a little bit of that.
I can understand why we are screening for Ebola here but it makes more sense to incorporate travel restrictions wherever we can and keep the disease in West Africa. Some in our government say … what exactly DO they say? We have heard so many confusing statements. The harsh decisions, and even many on the left agree, should be made now, before it is too late.
Israel has been criticized once again for attacking a mosque. Law professor Alan Dershowitz tells us that attacking a mosque that hides terrorists, or stores weapons and ammunition, or covers the entrance to a terrorist tunnel is perfectly okay. Go, Israel Defense Force, go!
We have heard many excuses about the intruder who ran into the White House. There is a simple remedy to prevent this from happening again: just lock the door. I wonder how many people in the D.C. area leave their doors open. Not many, I’ll bet.
Many of my Jewish friends feel that President Obama threw Israel under the bus and are more than just a bit angry at him. Since he will not be permitted to run for a third term, they are tossing him the middle finger salute by voting only for Republicans. As one reader put it, “Obama has hurt this great nation which we love.” Hey, my friend, we will find out how effective we are on election night.
Where did this renewed love for pretzels come from? There is now a pretzel crust pizza, pretzel bagels, pretzel Jell-o, pretzel-roll hamburgers, pretzel salad and pretzel crackers. What’s next?
Everybody loves a bargain, especially in restaurants. A few years ago I started joining restaurant clubs both on the Internet and when they leave those “Join Us” cards on the table. They are great clubs to belong to. No dues to pay. No meetings to attend. When you see the applications remember to fill out everything — especially your date of birth.
Throughout the year you will receive coupons for discounts and freebees like appetizers and desserts. Carol and I just celebrated our birthdays and what a celebration it was. Besides the yearlong coupons I just mentioned, there were free full meals at several of our regular eateries — free pancakes and other breakfasts, free ice cream sundaes at the local ice cream parlor, free pretzels, donuts, bagels, flowers, and wonderful gifts just for showing up.
The maître d’ of one fine restaurant that we patronize regularly had a chilled bottle of wine waiting for us with a beautiful signed birthday card for Carol. At one Italian restaurant, they had me stand on a chair while they made the whole room sing “Happy Birthday” to me. And, of course, birthday cakes, cookies, and a lot of fun.
I am StanGershbein@Bellsouth.net telling you to take advantage of these great opportunities. If they didn’t want you to, they wouldn’t send you all that mail. Just remember to tip the servers on what you are getting the same as if you were paying for it.