No matter where I am — in the supermarket, the barber shop, the lobby of my building — the one person all people are talking about these days is Donald Trump.
I don’t care if you are one of those who love him — and there are many who do — or if you hate him — and there are many of those also — there is one thing for sure: Donald Trump will be bringing out the vote.
Love him or hate him, not only will you be there on primary day, you will be bringing your relatives and friends along. It’s only my opinion, and I do believe I am correct — there will be a record-setting turnout on primary day.
If by any miraculous chance he does win the nomination, there is one thing he must do to get some of the Latino vote. It is imperative that he choose a Hispanic running mate.
In the meantime, you will find it informative and entertaining to listen to the conversations about the man. A letter to the editor in a very left-wing newspaper ran under the headline “Donald Trump Says What’s On His Mind.” Does anybody doubt that? While most candidates pander to Hispanics just to get their votes, Trump seems to say what so many of us think but don’t dare say out loud.
Most Americans welcome legal immigrants who want to become Americans, want to learn to speak English, and want to come here legally for legal employment. They do not want the illegals to reside here just for the freebies. Can’t disagree with that! Or do you?
While Mr. T’s comments about Mexicans were angry and crude, we did hear a bit of honesty that is worth discussing. The United States is not receiving the cream of the Mexican crop. It is getting mostly the uneducated who will really not thrive in our modern American economy. They do work hard, but 57 percent of the sneak-ins still rely on our government benefits. Increases in freebees and welfare will always be a stomach ache in American kishkes.
Now, if you have any betting dollars around, and you are interested in making a few bucks… put those dollars back under your mattress and forget about it. In spite of all the hoopla, rah-rah-rah, and positive publicity, the odds right now of Donald Trump being nominated are, as of this writing, about twenty to one.
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John McCain called Trump’s fans “Crazies.” Why? Right now there is a reader of this column who uses a vile name when he refers to my fans. I realize that this reader is not well. He is more than disagreeable — he is filled with hate. I don’t lose my cool when I hear what this reader calls my fans. Donald does, and when someone insults his fans, he reacts. These are the things that lead to fist-fights in barrooms. I have taken the advice of my friends on the editorial staff of this newspaper and I ignore that reader. Perhaps Donald Trump should be doing the same.
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I get annoyed by all those pro-immigration big mouths who are constantly talking about the Jewish immigrants of yesteryear, like my parents, who are “the same as those hard working, needy people who are crossing the southern border of the United States every day.” No! No! No! They are not! My parents made a stop at a place before entering the United States. They were checked for lice and diseases and were met by sponsors who provided them with shelter and security.
I am StanG