
Stan says know who you donate to

We recently spoke about the Charity Navigator, the largest evaluator of charities in America. This organization ranks the not-for-profit associations on their financial strength, the effectiveness of their programs, their control of administrative and fund-raising expenses, and the transparency of their operations. The ratings awarded each charity range from zero to four stars. Go to charitynavigator.com and take a few minutes to look up some of America’s most popular charities. You will be shocked to learn where some of your hard earned money has been going.

I know I was.

Of the charities that I donated to only half of them received four stars. One of the four-star organizations is the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

Everybody knows what Planned Parenthood is, and I really don’t want to argue abortions with you. If you would like to carry your child to term you have every right to do so. On the other hand, should you choose not to, the law is on your side. The choice is yours. Note that word — CHOICE. I am in favor of the right to choose, but I am not in favor of my taxes supporting a woman’s hobbies. One third of Planned Parenthood’s operating expenses come from the federal government. That amount, Mr. Raisman, should be zero.

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We know all about the bacteria that accumulate on the handles of supermarket shopping carts and baby seats. Here’s one that most of us never think about. The handles on the serving spoons at that buffet were touched by 50 people before it was your turn. Those of us that use Purell because we’re a bit germophobic now pick up serving spoon and tongs with a napkin. Good advice?

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One of the hot phrases of the year is “distracted driving.” According to the National Transportation Highway Traffic Safety Administration 6,000 people were killed last year in accidents caused by distracted drivers. Another 400,000 were injured. Everybody knows what “distracted driving” is, and we’re all guilty of it in one way or another. I don’t talk on a phone while driving. Nor do I read a map or watch a video, but I do occasionally change the radio station and I certainly will have a discussion with another passenger. Obviously some activities are more dangerous than others.

There are three types of driving distractions.

1) Visual: taking your eyes off the road

2) Manual: taking your hands off the wheel

3) Cognitive: taking your mind off what you are doing.

Texting while driving involves all three. They tell us that texting is as dangerous as driving after consuming four drinks of alcohol. In other words, TWD is as hazardous as DWI.

If a cop stops you for DWI, you’ll get more than a traffic ticket. The chances are pretty good that you’ll be arrested. If local governments could pass a law requiring the arrest of a person TWD, the chances are pretty good that he’ll not do it again. I’ve heard all the arguments against my thoughts on this matter. I’m still not buying any. I am StanGershbein@Bellsouth.net saying that if an offender is tossed in the can overnight as a punishment, our roads would be a bit safer.