
Standing O is at it again!

Standing O is at it again!

Brooklyn Heights

Congratulations and hip, hip, hooray to the 2015 graduating class at St. Francis College. Parents, friends, and faculty celebrated at St. Charles Borromeo Church on Jan. 14. Brother William Boslet (’70), superior general of the Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn, offered the opening invocation, history professor Brother Geoffrey Clement delivered the closing benediction and Rev. Brian Jordan, director of the St. Francis College Campus Ministry, celebrated the Baccalaureate Mass.

Valedictorian Tan Cheung, a Hong Kong native, graduated with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in accounting, and counted the ways to rave about the small college with big dreams.

“Because of the smaller classrooms, you get closer to the students and professors,” said Tan. “I could ask them about anything, not just course work, and they helped me with job and internship questions, too.”

Tan also earned a National Grid scholarship and internship, is a member of the Accounting Society and Asian Culture Club, and is studying to take the Certified Public Accountancy exam while looking for a job where she can put her new skills to use.

Mortars off also to biology major Abraham Oxilas, who hopes to become a physician’s assistant or doctor of osteopathy; and Rosalia Badalamenti, who graduated with a degree in childhood education.

Standing O wishes all the graduates a great and fulfilling future.

St. Francis College [180 Remsen St. at Court Street in Brooklyn Heights, (718) 522–2300].


It’s that time again!

Standing O knows you have been on pins and needles for this day to arrive, so here it is. The Bensonhurst West End Community Council will celebrate 54 years of great community service with a whoop-de-do at El Caribe Country Club on March 5. For those of you living under a rock and have never heard of this gala, it is run by none other than our very own “Big Screecher,” Carmine Santa Maria, and celebrates all those individuals who have made their communities better places.

This year’s honorees are: Janet Ndzibah, Matthew Barone, Erin Lynch, Lisa Addeo, Nancy Tong, and Erica Kuskin. Carmine will also be hailed for serving faithfully as president for the past 35 years.

Call (718) 946–0234 for tickets.

Borough Wide

And baby makes three

We have a delivery at Courier Life! The Stork has landed and added to the Stern household. Our very own Jennifer Stern, display sales assistant, added grandma to her list of many titles. Eldest son Adam, an EMT with the FDNY, and wife Michelle Ladin Stern (remember, Standing O shouted out their wedding?), welcomed their little bundle of joy, Ella Hadarah Stern, (translation: goddess adorned with beauty) — and a beauty she is — on Jan. 16. The adorable baby girl weighed in at 6 pounds 7 ounces, and measured 17 inches in length.

“Effi (Saba) and I have fallen in love with Miss Ella,” said the proud Omi, “Especially for making us members of the illustrious grandparents club. It is like no other when it comes to joy and happiness.”

Standing O wishes the pair happiness and joy, and suggests to the couple, “Get your sleep now, you’re gonna need it.” Mazel tov!


Welcome back!

MaryAnne Gilmartin, president and chief executive officer of Forest City Ratner Companies, announced the return and appointment of Susi Yu as executive vice president for residential development. She is returning after a stint at the Howard Hughes Corporation, and replaces Melissa Burch.

“Susi is the consummate residential developer, and we are thrilled she has decided to return,” Gilmartin said.

Susi is happy to oblige.

“I’ve always been proud to be part of the Forest City Ratner family and am excited to be rejoining the team.”

So is Standing O, and says, “Welcome home, we really missed you.”

Forest City Ratner Companies [One Metrotech LLC 1 Metrotech Roadway at Myrtle Avenue, in Downtown, (718) 923–8400].

Read Standing O every Thursday on Brook‌lynDa‌ily.com!
Daddy’s little girl: Ella Hadarah Stern.