Here’s another list of questions that do not necessarily require answers. Sure, some do, but others are just shoulder-shrugging statements that can be used to stimulate discussion at your next cocktail party.
• Once upon a time, blonds dyed their hair to cover all the roots. Now they dye their hair to show the roots. Who starts these peculiar styles?
• Why do so many elected officials show more concern for 50 Walmart employees than they do for several thousand consumers? Could the absence of political donations from non-union stores have anything to do with it?
• If the Republican Party is the party of the rich, why do so many rich republicans donate to democrat candidates?
• If one of the aims of computer use is to create a paperless society, why am I constantly running to Staples to buy another ream of paper?
• Can you say the word “Kindle” without sounding like a Jewish grandma?
• There were many great questions asked during the debates. It was good listening to some of the responses. Wouldn’t it would be even better if those same questions were asked of President Obama?
• Here’s one for my president: once and for all, how much is my fair share?
• Knowing that most American colleges lean to the left, do you believe that nonsense from a liberal school about Fox viewers being less informed than those who don’t watch Fox?
• My roommate, many of her retired schoolteacher friends, several active schoolteachers, and one district representative are very angry that the United Federation of Teachers supported and donated to the occupiers at Zuccotti Park. How would you feel if your union contributed to them?
• Do you still support Obamacare?
• Let me see, by a show of hands, how many of you really miss the NBA?
• How many Ray’s Pizza shops are there in NYC? How many Original Ray’s are there? Which one is the original Original Ray’s?
• Pirates have been found guilty in Virginia’s federal courts. How would you punish them? Since today’s piracy is a crime of yesteryear, why not punish them they way they were punished in the good old days: public hanging or by making them walk the plank. Which would you vote for?
• Do you really care if a presidential candidate is a Mormon?
• Do you think the Penn State trustees did the right thing by firing Joe Paterno?
You kow, this whole Sandusky-Paterno scandal has reignited passionate discussions of pedophilia, which is every parent’s worst nightmare. Here’s a website you might want to keep near your computer —
I’m not saying that the person on the next block who is overly friendly with your youngsters is dangerous, but when it comes to our children, we cannot be too careful. After reading this I know that I will receive a few different thoughts from some of you who do not approve of the public sex offender registries. At least one of you will shout that there are those on the list who have done time and paid for the crime. The offender should be allowed his privacy. Knowing that recidivism is extremely high, I’d rather see the offender remain on the list.
Another reader will tell me that the offender was 18 years old with a minor girl friend who was only 17. That’s a great point, but if there is to be an error I’d rather err on the side of caution. I am asking one more question: What do you think about the names of sex offenders being posted on the Internet?
Stanley Gershbein's column appears every Monday on