
Stan’s thankful for column fodder this Turkey Day

Thanksgiving is almost here. As a public service, I am reminding you to take the bird out of the freezer now! If you forget, you are doomed to send out, once again, for Chinese food. Hey — General Cho’s Turkey is not bad.

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A reader recently wrote again that, without FOX News, I would not have anything to write about. Yes! I say “again,” because even though he uses different names and different comments, everybody around here believes that these different remarks are written by the same person. Nice try!

I have repeatedly said that my opinions — although they may be the same as others’ — are my opinions as well. Is it not possible that you and I, along with Seymour down the block, can have the same opinions?

This reader also mentioned that I should be fired and replaced. I watch CNN and FOX along with several other stations. If I see Messrs. Cooper and O’Reilly offer an exact same thought about a current event, should I write Messrs. Zucker and Ailes to fire one? Ridiculous, right? Just as ridiculous as my reader’s accusation.

I don’t create my opinions by watching FOX — even though I may agree with many of its views.

Here’s a little secret. Carol and I are probably a lot older than most of you. We therefore spend a lot more time than most of you in the waiting rooms of various medical offices. What does one do while waiting (almost always a lot later than the time of his appointment) to be seen? He passes the time by reading a magazine or getting involved in a conversation with the couple sitting in the next seats. The woman will almost always ask why we are there. I respond by saying that I need some serious mental help, because I am losing my mind — I’ve been giving grave consideration to changing the party affiliation on my voter’s registration card from the Federalists to the Whigs. That will almost always bring out an explanation, a laugh, and some conversation with ideas for my next column.

I also get ideas from some of the people I meet on my many trips. I met Kevin Fasone recently on Royal Caribbean’s Independence of the Seas. Kevin is a very bright, interesting man who, along with many other thoughts, stated, “Our enemies do not fear us, and our friends no longer respect us.”

We could write volumes based on that one line, but frankly, I have grown weary complaining about the White House’s policies.

It was easy to see where Kevin stood on current events. He is from a suburb of Chicago, where the greater population is in favor of liberal handouts and left-wing ideas — where we who work to support many who just want another handout. And the crime there? It’s called turnstile justice. We have discussed this before and we will discuss it again, but with the Thanksgiving holiday around the corner, let’s hold it off for another day.

I am StanGershbein@Bellsouth.net closing today with a true story that took place in the Gershbein household a few Thanksgivings ago. Everyone arrived on time, the dinner was just about ready, and seconds before we all sat down to enjoy our wonderful holiday feast, I turned to my son and asked, “Between medical school and residency did you have some training in surgery?”

“Of course,” he replied.

“Good!” I responded. “You can carve the turkey.”

We wish you all a happy, healthy and safe holiday season.

Read Stan Gershbein’s column every Monday on BrooklynDaily.com.