
Statistically, she’s a winner

Statistically, she’s a winner
Sarah Shatz

Sunset Park

Math teacher adds up

She’s A plus and the tops of the times table.

Eleanor Terry, a math teacher at the High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technology, is this year’s recipient of the Sloan Awards for Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics. Standing O pal Eleanor — who specializes in Math A, Math B, Integrated Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2-Trigonometry, Numeracy, Calculus, AP Statistics, and CUNY Mathematics — is the instructor every parent (including Standing O!) wishes for. The numbers wizard has a devoted following among her students for making brain teasing bogglers, such as Algebra and Geometry, fun and relevant, while showing them how math figures in our daily lives.

Eleanor’s teens use math to conduct exit polling at elections, analyze baseball player salaries, and calculate the future impact of college loans. Trust Standing O, college loans is one heck of a lesson!

The award winner received $5,000 as part of the award, and her school earned itself $2,500 for its science and math programs.

High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technology [350 67th St. at Fourth Avenue in Sunset Park, (718) 759–3400].

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