
Taking candy

A villain stole a necklace from a toddler in a Lorraine Street playground on June 1.

The child’s mother told police that a witness, possibly the tyke’s nanny, saw a man remove the jewelry from the young boy’s neck at the playground near the corner of Clinton Street at 9:15 pm.

Out to dry

Police captured a man for robbing a Lorraine Street Laundromat on June 6.

The suspected robber, 45, took himself to the cleaners, between Otsego and Columbia streets, at 6:30 pm. Inside the business, the hoodlum smashed a window connecting to the store’s locked office and stole $25.

Back on the street, police apprehended a man fitting the thief’s description and the shopkeeper identified him as the culprit.

Inside job

No hiding place is too secure for a wallet in a Hicks Street hospital.

A lady’s wallet was stolen from the supposedly locked drawer of her desk on June 6 while she briefly left the office, between Atlantic Avenue and Pacific Street for about 15 minutes at 2:15 pm, the victim told police.

She returned to find her purse no longer held her wallet, which had $40, an assortment of bank and credit cards and her ID.

Truck out

A roving band of bandits stole a trove of expensive construction equipment from a Woodhull Street site on June 2.

Security cameras from a neighboring building show a white van arriving at the construction site, between Columbia and Hicks streets, at 5:10 pm and loading a generator, welder, demolition saw and electric hoist into the vehicle.