
Teens cuffed for alleged robbery

76th Precinct

Carroll Gardens-Cobble Hill–Red Hook

Red Hook robbery

Cops cuffed three teenagers for allegedly robbing a 17-year-old boy on Centre Mall on Aug. 19.

The victim told police that one of the teen suspects sucker punched him between Henry and Clinton streets at 8 p.m., sending him plummeting to the ground and injuring the left side of his head, his elbow, and his wrist.

The suspects swiped $200 and the victim’s debit card before hightailing it, but cops caught up with them the following day, according to police.


A ruffian struck a 65-year-old man with a cane Hoyt Street retailer on Aug. 18.

The victim told police that the brute whacked him over the head between Butler and Blatic Streets amid an argument at 8:54 p.m., opening up a gash, which doctors treated at Lutheran Hospital.

Energy drain

A man nabbed 36 cans of Red Bull from a Smith Street drug store on Aug. 16.

Security footage caught the energy fiend swiping $114 worth of highly caffeinated beverages from the store near President Street at 6 p.m., police said.

Bike bandit

A thief zoomed off with a delivery guy’s $800 electric bicycle he parked on Congress Street on Aug. 19.

The victim told police he dropping off someone’s dinner between Hicks and Columbia streets at around 9:40 p.m., when the crook nabbed his battery-powered bike.

Oh baby!

A thief stole three Onesies from a Court Street clothing store on Aug. 19.

An employee told cops that the looter swiped $150 worth of infant attire from the store between President and Carroll Streets at around 4 p.m.

— Rose Adams