
The Halloween Parade pictures you know you want

Your three-day Halloween guide!
Don Wiss

Saturday night’s annual Park Slope Halloween parade was a big success — even with a new route that took all the ghouls, ghosts and other very scary monsters (see far right) to Fifth Avenue for the first time. Our photographers caught some of the best costumes including (from left) a Heath Ledger–inspired Joker, a butterfly, a li’l pumpkin, a guy channelling Dennis Hopper in “Easy Rider” and our own editor, Gersh Kuntzman, who led the parade in a dress. Alas, that’s not a costume.

He's your father!: This family went all out, with Mom as Princess Leia, Dad as an Imperial storm trooper and the toddler in the role of R2D2. And baby makes C3PO.
Don Wiss

Born to be mild: This Dennis Hopper lookalike made a big splash with his “Easy Rider” get up.
The Brooklyn Paper / Tom Callan

Can we get fries with that?: The so-called “Menu Man” earned raves for his takeout order form-covered body. He said he compiled enough material for the costume in mere days.
The Brooklyn Paper / Tom Callan