
The race card-board: Brooklynites support marathoners with signs on the sidelines

The race card-board: Brooklynites support marathoners with signs on the sidelines
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

They had a good run.

Brooklyn boosters lined the borough’s streets on Sunday waving humorous homemade signs to cheer on competitors in the New York Marathon — and the placard-toting spectators say they received almost as much attention as the racers.

“Runners were taking pictures of me, I got lots of thumbs up, lots of high fives,” said Park Sloper Leslie Healey, who cheered on her girlfriend and pals as they jogged along Fourth Avenue with a sign reading “Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose” — a quote from the television show “Friday Night Lights.” “Many runners had seen the series, but even the ones who hadn’t were just happy — they liked the sign.”

More than 50,000 joggers — many in costume — ran the 26-mile course from Staten Island to Manhattan, which took them through the borough of Kings via Bay Ridge, Sunset Park, Park Slope, Prospect Heights, Williamsburg, and Greenpoint.

Some spectators donned costumes of their own to encourage their marathoning loved ones — one young brother and sister duo in Bay Ridge had a blast sporting sweatshirts in support of their dad Bryan, according to their mom.

“It was a great day,” said Dumbo resident Kimberly Kreuzberger, who ironed-on letters reading “Go super dad!” and “Run fast dad!” to 2-year-old Katherine’s and 3-year-old Cole’s shirts, then staked out a spot in Bay Ridge to cheer the family patriarch. “It was nice for them to be able to see.”

And the runners definitely appreciated all the encouragement, according to one sign-waver — because some stopped mid-race to let her know.

“People were running by giving us high fives, smiling, laughing — some even stopped to say thanks for the sign,” said Danielle Trencher, a Manhattanite who came to Bedford Avenue in Williamsburg to support her sister-in-law and friend with an orange sign around her head reading “Your #1 fan.” “We had a good time cheering everyone on.”

Reach deputy editor Ruth Brown at rbrown@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260–9309. Follow her at twitter.com/rbbrown.