61st Precinct
Sheepshead Bay—Homecrest—
Manhattan Beach—Gravesend
Taking candy
A crook stole a 13-year-old’s iPhone on Avenue T on May 9.
The victim told police he was near E. 17th Street at 2:35 pm when the suspect asked to use his phone. The kid handed over his black 16-gig iPhone, and the thug thanked the boy by scaring the bejesus out of him.
“I’m the bad guy,” he snarled at the kid. “I have a weapon, move on, and don’t say anything.”
The crook then reached into his pocket, and the kid took the gesture as a que to run for his life.
Cash envelope
A burglar looted a woman’s Amherst Street apartment on May 8, taking cash and jewelry.
The victim told police that she left her home between Shore Boulevard and Hampton Avenue for the doctor’s office at 1:50 pm, and returned several hours later to find that the front door had been left wide open and that her bedroom had been ransacked.
It turns out the crook managed to find an envelope containing $2,000, along with a Swarovski bracelet and necklace, and other jewelry.
Bad service
A thief snatched a woman’s iPhone from her hands while she was riding a Coney Island-bound F train on May 9.
The victim told police that she was texting as the train pulled into the Avenue U station near McDonald Avenue at 1:05 pm, when, as the train doors opened, the crook snatched the cell from her hands and ran off the train.
Gun-point goon
A gun-wielding thug stole a man’s iPhone on Avenue W on May 9.
The victim told police that he was near E. 26th Street at 8:20 pm when the suspect grabbed his shoulder and pressed the tip of a pistol into his back.
“Hand over the phone, or I’ll shoot,” the crook snarled.
The victim happily traded the phone for his life, and the thug fled in an unknown direction.
Lung hole
A complete stranger stabbed a man on Avenue X on May 9 — puncturing his lung.
The victim told police that he was near Coyle Street on his way to a friend’s house at 5:53 pm when the suspect suddenly put a blade into his lower back.
The victim was rushed to Lutheran Medical Center, where he was treated for the stab wound and punctured lung. He later told police that his attacker was a complete stranger.
Stealing cable
A burglar ransacked a Cable Vision van parked on E. 18th Street on May 9, taking two computers and an iPad.
The victim told police that he left the van between Avenues Y and Z at 11 am, and returned at 6 pm to find the commercial vehicle had been looted — that both an Acer and a Dell computer had been taken, along with an iPad.
Quick heist
A crook took thousands of dollars worth in jewelry in less than 10 minutes at a woman’s Coleridge Street home on May 10.
The victim told police that she left her home near Oriental Boulevard at 1:20 pm, and returned 10 minutes later to find her rear door kicked in, and what police said was worth $2,450 in jewelry missing.
Looting the drawers
A crook looted a woman’s bedroom drawers insider her Sheepshead Bay Road home on May 10, taking cash.
The victim told police that she left her home between Avenues X and W for work at 7 am, and returned at 1 pm to find that some crook had taken her air conditioner out of her window and stole her $375 rainy day funds from her drawers.
Pocket poacher
A crook stole $13 and an iPhone from a 13-year-old boy on Batchelder Street on May 8.
The victim told police that he was near Avenue X at 3 pm when the older suspect approached him uttered his demand.
“Give up your stuff,” the crook barked.
The thug then reached his sticky fingers into the victim’s pockets, coming up with the kid’s phone and cash.
— Colin Mixson
Reach reporter Colin MIxson at cmixson@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-4514.