76th Precinct
Carroll Gardens-Cobble Hill–Red Hook
Parks and intimidation
A thug robbed and threatened to kill a woman on Woodhull Street on March 17, police claim.
The victim was near Columbia Street at 11:30 pm when the marauder approached.
“Go into the park or I’ll kill you,” said the perp.
When the woman refused, he pushed her to the ground, taking her iPhone, a wallet with credit cards and an ID, and a set of keys.
Easy rider
A thief drove off with an orange motorcycle parked on Sackett Street on March 15, police said.
Police reported the owner parked the bike near Columbia Street at 10 am, and returned a half hour later to find it gone.
There for the taking
A bandit stole a Lenovo laptop from the office of a Huntington Street car company on March 22, police claim.
The unknown person simply walked into the business through the front door, near Henry Street, at 2:30 pm, cops reported.
Gunpoint mug
Two thugs robbed and threatened a woman on Clinton Street on March 12, police said.
The victim told police she was walking near Third Place at 9:20 pm when the men showed her a gun and demanded money. She gave them her iPod Nano and screamed, leading the men to flee.
— Jaime Lutz
Reach reporter Thomas Tracy at ttracy@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-2525.