Want it
Four perps beat up a 14-year-old boy on N. Seventh Street on March 24.
The boy got off the L train at Bedford Avenue at 4:54 pm when a perp on the staircase shouted, “I want his s—t.”
That thug grabbed the victim’s legs, causing him to fall onto the staircase, where the other three perps surrounded him and kicked his head and shoulders before running into an arriving train.
Start the clock
A perp grabbed a woman’s iPhone from her hand inside her Berry Street home on March 25.
The victim got into an argument with the perp inside her apartment near N. Ninth Street at 11:20 pm, when he grabbed her phone and dragged her down the hallway, injuring her knee.
The thug was arrested at the scene, but not before yelling, “I’ll do five years then get out and come get you.”
Two burgs
At least two places were burglarized last week:
• A thief stole a set of turntables and a laptop from a Nassau Avenue apartment on March 22. The tenant told cops that he left his apartment near Hausman Street at 8:30 am, but returned at 7:45 pm to find his door damaged and his stuff was gone.
• Two perps stole $5,000 worth of electrical wire from a West Street construction company on March 25 at 3:25 pm — but were soon arrested by police.
— Aaron Short