88th Precinct
Fort Greene–Clinton Hill
Cell snatch
There were at least three cell swipes in Fort Greene Park last week:
• Cops arrested two teen suspects after one of them snatched a woman’s phone while she walked through the park on May 24. The victim told cops that she was near St. Edwards Street and Willoughby Avenue at 2:20 pm when a thief came from behind, grabbed the phone and ran.
• Two days later, cops arrested another alleged teen purse snatcher after a brief chase. The victim told cops that the pickpocket swiped her purse in Fort Greene Park between 2 and 3:30 pm. Witnesses pursued the perp, who eventually dropped the purse during the chase. Cops caught up with him later.
• Two perps swiped a cellphone from a woman as she walked through the park at 8 pm on May 27. The thugs had come from behind her and forced the phone from her hands.
Masked bandit
A masked gunman made off with $1,000 from Choice Greene on Greene Avenue on May 26.
The clerk at the store between Cambridge Place and Grand Avenue told cops that the perp brandished a silver handgun at 8:55 pm.
“Shut up, give me the money,” implored the gunman, who was wearing a bandana over his face. The clerk obliged, handing over $1,000.
Skin care
Cops nabbed a would-be shoplifter in the act of stealing $100 in skin care products from a pharmacy on May 23.
Employees at Walgreen’s on Myrtle Avenue between Adelphi Street and Vanderbilt Avenue told cops that the 47-year-old man tried to walk out of the store at 7:20 pm with 12 bottles of body wash and four bottles of skin lotion.
Sleeping beauty
Someone stole a woman’s smartphone while she rested on a bench at Long Island University on May 24.
The victim told cops that she had fallen asleep at 1:30 pm near the library between Willoughby Street and DeKalb Avenue and woke up 90 minutes later to find that her Blackberry had been swiped from her purse.
A witness said that the crime was even worse: the perp fondled the victim’s back before taking the phone.
Smash & grab
A thief smashed a man’s car window and stole his radio on May 25.
The victim told cops that he parked his Mercedes near S. Elliot Place at Hanson Place at 2:50 pm, but when he returned eight hours later, his driver’s-side window was smashed and his radio, IDs and credit cards were missing.
A thug snatched a woman’s iPhone near the crime addled Atlantic Center Mall on Atlantic Avenue on May 26.
The victim told cops that she was near Cumberland Street at 2:50 pm when the perp approached, asked, “Where is the mall?” and grabbed her purse, which had a wallet and shiny new iPhone.
Dance and dash
Someone swiped a woman’s purse at a Clinton Avenue nightclub on May 26.
The victim told cops that she left her purse underneath a table between 8 pm and midnight at the club at Atlantic Avenue.
‘G’ thang
A thief stole a bag of designer clothes from a G-train passenger on May 28.
The victim told cops that he got on the train at Lorimer Street at 3 am, but when he tried to retrieve the clothes about 40 minutes later, he noticed that the $1,300 in designer duds and jewelry was gone.
Espresso love
Thieves took advantage of a man’s blunder on May 28 — ripping off over $2,500 in goods from an unlocked car.
The victim told cops that he parked near the corner of Willoughby Avenue and Adelphi Street at 1 am. When he returned the next morning, he realized he had left the car unlocked — and his MacBook Pro, sunglasses and espresso machine were missing.
— Dan MacLeod