
Time out for seniors – Millman fair provides support and resources

Assemblywoman Joan Millman and Senator Martin Connor held their annual Senior Fair hosted by St. Francis College. The fair was a resounding success — bringing together nearly 400 local seniors with representatives from 40 federal, state and local government agencies and organizations that serve senior citizens. Free refreshments and giveaways ensured that no one left the fair empty-handed.

Seniors were able to check with the New York State Comptroller’s Office of Unclaimed Funds to see if any outstanding funds were owed to them, learn more about Medicare from representatives from the Medicare Rights Center and take part in physical exercises led by staff of the Dodge YMCA.

The Fire Safety Education Unit of the FDNY was one of the most popular participants at the fair — distributing free smoke detectors and useful safety information. Staff from local senior centers were also on hand to meet and chat with members of the community who may not have been familiar with the services they offer.

“I thank St. Francis for making this event possible,” said Millman. “It is a rare opportunity for many seniors to have representatives from all of these organizations available under one roof and this is why Senator Connor and I put together this event. I hope everyone who attended the fair walked away with something useful.”

St. Francis College is located at 180 Remsen Street.