
‘Torture report’ inflicts agony on national morale

Waterboarding, sleep deprivation, and rectal feedings must be a breeze compared to being boiled or frozen to death in Uzbekistan or being forced to eat your own excrement and having your genitals whipped into painful pulps of swollen flesh — Saudi-style.

Milksops at the Senate Intelligence Committee don’t know the difference between enhanced interrogation and agonizing torture in their $40-million clunker-of-a-report on the Central Intelligence Agency’s alleged persecution of post-9-11 detainees, who received virtually the same treatment as U.S. special ops forces undergoing survival training.

Democratic staff muppets researched and wrote the ethical thrombosis without the agency’s input and after committee Republicans dropped out, but they wouldn’t be obsessing over such minutiae and imperiling the nation if they wised up to the war on terror, and realized that the defense of freedom is ugly business that can’t be done with a hug and a handshake.

America the masochist needs to stifle her self-flagellation, stop releasing deadly detainees from Gitmo, and stop inventing ways to indict a critical agency that has helped avert at least 60 terror acts on U.S. soil since our worst day. It only takes one to create utter devastation, and a point of no return.

Enhanced interrogations have alerted information-gathering and law-enforcement communities to Islamo-schizoids while aiding ongoing counterterrorism efforts. They have saved lives and arrested terrorists — Al Qaeda’s top British pond scum, Dhiren Barot, was nabbed after C.I.A. agents grilled former Guantanamo Bay detainee Moazzam Begg. They have also benefited Americans more than the puerile pap of the most damnable government in the nation’s history.

Capitol Hill’s needless hand-wringing must be an endless source of comfort to our adversaries, including the United Nations, which has called for America’s criminal prosecution while ignoring Syrian president Bashar al-Assad’s fatal gassing of nearly 1,500 people last year.

Our spies are not supposed to be good scouts, but gladiators who work around the clock and sleep with one eye open to ensure that America is safe, sound — and around — for future liberty lovers. Partisan pols should stop feeding their personal wacky woes to our sworn foes, and remember that values and ideals cannot exist in a broken and spent nation.

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