Can this mayor live any further from reality? Can he possibly be more out of touch with the rest of humanity?
I think not.
Mayor Mike’s latest idiotic crusade is getting us all to begin composting, and not just a little patch in your back yard, mind you, but on a grand scale that will make sorting your meat from your potatoes before throwing them out the rule of law in the five boroughs.
Well, I’ve said it before when it comes to his dishonor and I’ll say it again: enough is enough already!
The Post ran the story on Tuesday wherein the mayor actually had the cheek to say, “It’s working,” adding that he composts at home when he can.
“We don’t cook at home, but, yes, we have separate trash for composting stuff.”
How special.
Well, might I suggest that you try composting after you have actually cooked three meals a day, seven days a week, plus snacks for a family of four before you boast of how well it works. Better yet, why don’t you ask your staff how convenient it is for them, since they are the ones, most probably, dividing up the garbage.
How can he expect sanitation workers to handle more garbage, since they can barely handle our trash now and we have it wrapped, bagged, and neatly packaged. As it is, I have a driveway full of garbage cans in various colors — tan for paper, blue for metal and glass, green for regular refuse, and black for everything else.
I can’t wait to hear about the calls our men in green will make to the shop stewards and union reps when they have to pick up really foul smelling, rotting, molding, decomposing, maggot infested food once a week? Can you just imagine the stench on a hot 90 degree day in August, especially after the scraps have had the chance to ferment. Yummy!
Did he even think about apartment dwellers that live in deluxe apartments in the sky in his little plan?
I’m damn sure that the upper ton residing in luxury apartments will not tolerate the reeking, noxious smell of rotting vegetable matter languishing in their pristine pads.
Last but not least, aside from the smell and fumes, which there will be lots of, let’s not forget the rats, roaches, and raccoons that will have a field day with all those yummy treats. The city will be overrun with those fat, over-fed, and healthy little critters.
For the city’s wildlife, the composting plan will be one giant smorgasbord.
His little minions and future mayoral hopefuls have also opined that composting will “save us money and cut down on what we send to the landfills.” How can that be when more garbage will only lead to more pick ups and more pick ups will lead to more hours and more overtime. Doesn’t sound advantageous to me. Does it to you?
Not for Nuthin™, thank god this is Mayor Mike’s last term, because the city really can’t handle any more of his good intentions. We’re already buried under a mound of them as it is.
Follow me on Twitter @JDelBuono.
Joanna DelBuono writes about national issues every Wednesday on E-mail her at