
Two Gerritsen Beach Boy Scouts achieve Eagle Scout rank

Two Gerritsen Beach Boy Scouts achieve Eagle Scout rank
Photo by Jon Farina

From Boy Scouts to men.

Two Boy Scouts from Brooklyn Boy Scout Troop 396 became Eagle Scouts over the weekend, achieving the highest rank the scouting organization offers at the troop’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor ceremony on Dec. 10.

“Recognition is very important for youth. It boosts their spirits,” said the Boy Scouts’ Breukelen District Unit Commissioner Kent Woo. “We see them as doing something good in the future.”

Luke Feeney and Marchus Chan were awarded the notable rank at the Resurrection Church in Gerritsen Beach with around 30 people in attendance, according to Woo. The church is a sponsor of the troop, and hosts their weekly meetings, Woo said.

Resurrection’s pastor said his church supports scouting because it promotes the same values he exposes from the pulpit.

“They represent very important values for these young men. That’s why the church is a part of that. Service to God and country, service to those in need and integrity,” said Rev. William A. With.

Boy Scouts must fulfill multiple requirements that demonstrate leadership and serve their communities to reach the rank of Eagle Scout. Chan painted schools and Feeney built a play pit for local children for their service projects. Each scout was responsible for conceiving, planning and executing their projects on their own.

“We give them guidance, but they did it by themselves,” said Woo. “That’s why this is a big honor.”

The achievement was especially remarkable for Feeney, due to his relatively young age of 14-years-old.

“It’s very rare,” said Woo. “It’s not easy for for 14-year-old to make Eagle Scout.”

Reach reporter Adam Lucente at alucente@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260–2511. Follow him on Twitter @Adam_Lucente.