
Two thugs, two victims, two cellphones

Time to steal

Two thugs beat up a young couple walking in DUMBO around midnight on July 20.

The perps approached the victims, who were at the northeast corner of Plymouth and Main streets, and one asked, “Do you have the time?,” cops said.

At the same moment, the second perp grabbed one victim’s head and knocked him to the ground. The first perp then grabbed the woman’s purse and cellphone. In response, the assaulted victim handed over his cellphone without a struggle.

The punks then fled.

Granny bandit

A perp snatched a Brooklyn Heights granny’s purse from her walker on July 27 as she neared her front door.

The victim, who lives on Pierrepont Street between Hicks and Henry streets, was headed inside at around 3:20 pm. But just as she opened the front door, a man approached her and asked, “When are they going to rent the apartment?” When she paused, the man snatched her purse, which was hanging from her walker’s handlebars, and fled.

Cops later recovered the purse with all of its contents, minus $100, at the intersection of Remsen and Clinton streets.

Quiet as a mouse

A perp broke into an unsuspecting Brooklyn Heights man’s apartment on July 26 in the middle of the night, but the resident didn’t hear a thing.

The victim told cops that when he woke up the next morning, a front window to the apartment, which is on Montague Street near Henry Street, was open but there was no sign of forced entry. That’s when the victim noticed his wallet and laptop were missing.


A workout fiend broke into an exerciser’s locker at a Boerum Hill gym on July 25.

The Park Slope man told cops that he came to the facility, which is on Atlantic Avenue and Court Street, for a swimming class at around 6 pm, and left his clothes and wallet secured in a locker.

But when he came back, the lock was broken and his belongings were gone. It was unclear what clothes the man wore home.

JackedA thief stole a Downtown woman’s car overnight on July 22.

The woman told cops that she left her new Mazda SUV parked on State Street near Bond Street at around 11:30 pm — but it was gone two days later.

— Sarah Portlock