Eight “outstanding” boroughites were hailed for contributing to the “betterment of their communities and fellow man” during an awards tribute, presented by the United Progressive Democratic Club.
The plaudits marked the group’s 42nd annual dinner dance, held at Rex Manor, 1100 60th Street.
The honorees were: Bernard Catcher, Democratic district leader, 59th Assembly District; Michael Chung, executive board member, United Chinese Association of Brooklyn; Beth Grater, principal, Public School 205; Irina Matiychenko, lawyer, New York Legal Assistance Group; Ida Sanoff, Environmental chair, Natural Resources Protective Association; Carl Santa Maria, principal, Public School 153; Angelo Siciliano, founder, Associazone Siciliani Uniti Di New York’; and Christopher Shelton, vice president, Communication Workers of America, District 1.