The following is a list of local community organizations that are meeting in the near future in your area. If you have any information that can update this listing, or any comments pertaining to organizations not yet covered, call this newspaper at 718-615-2500, ext. 3332. All meeting notices are accurate as of press time, however, they are subject to change from the organization. Please contact the organization at the number provided for confirmation of date, time and location.
The following groups are on hiatus until September:
Bay Ridge Chapter 5055, AARP, 718-833-0220; 72nd Precinct Com-munity Council, 718-965-6326; Community Board 10, 718-745-6827; 68th Precinct Community Council, 718-439-4229/917-804-6575; Bay Ridge Mental Health Council; 718-680-0006; Sunset Park Historical Society, 718-871-8340; St. Rosalia-Regina Pacis Neighborhood Improv-ement Association, 718-236-5266; Fifth Avenue Business Improvement District (BID), James Clark, 718-238-9800, ext. 110; Bay Ridge Community Council, Robert Cassara; 718-745-3166; Bayfort Benevolent Associates, 718-619-5110; Community Education Council of District 20, 718-759-3921.
Dyker Heights Civic Association, (no information was available at press time); meets at St. Phillips Church, 80th Street and 11th Avenue; 718-748-1797.