
Verses & Reverses

Leon Freilich, the poet laureate of Park Slope, was inspired by a recent study that seniors have more sex than we thought, so he created this week’s poetic offering, “Rocking chair for two”:

According to Chicago U.
Which studied more than just a few,
Old-timers — 50s to the 80s
The folks we think of as heavyweighties —
Continue past their job career
To revel in the sexual sphere.
They may creak a bit and come down with cramps
But that does not discourage Gramps
And partner (wife or significant other
Or insignificant another).
As long as there’s a surging will
It seems that seniors have their fill.
Was this the case, pre-chemistry
When arteries hardened regularly
While other organs took the route
Of software that refuses to boot?
What’s changed, it’s probably safe to say
Is healthy eating puts off decay.
While exercise has a major role
In upping sexual control.
Then there’s the scientific spur
A gift to the gray-haired him and her,
That feeds desire’s bodily thrills
Blue diamonds in the form of pills.
So come, gray years, and turn the page
Ahead’s the fountain of old age.