
Vollies wanted

Calling all volunteers.

Compassionate persons who are willing to become friendly visitors in patients’ homes and inpatient care facilities in Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, or Nassau County are needed.

Volunteers will serve as companions, advocates or run errands. Volunteer opportunities also may include assisting staff with children and adult bereavement services or supporting the hospice team’s administrative needs. There is a required commitment of five classes: three evenings and two weekends.

Classes meet September 19, 24 and October 1 from 6-8:30 p.m., and September 21 and 27 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Metropolitan Jewish Hospice, 6323 Seventh Avenue, third floor, in the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn.

For more, contact Lynn Kilgallon at 718-630-2545 or email her at lkilgall@mjhs.org to complete an application.