
Wave your Caribbean colors proudly

The Brooklyn Museum offers family programs in August. The Target First Saturdays August event is Caribbean Carnival-Wave Your Flags!

The Brooklyn Museum’s popular free night of family events will spotlight the Caribbean, August 2 from 5-11 p.m. Highlights include The West Indian-American Day Carnival Association’s festivities: steel pan music, stilt walkers, Carnival costumes, and more on the museum’s outdoor plaza from 3-7 p.m.; the performance of Amma Mcken and her traditional Orisha drum and voice ensemble from 5-7 p.m. and a art-making class using African patterns to decorate a Caribbean shaker from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

A dance party concludes the night hosted by Reggae Retro-spective’s DJ and live band Judah Tribe from 9-11 p.m.

Free tickets are required for some of the evening’s activities; for a full list of programs, visit www.brooklynmuseum.org.

Gallery/Studio Program

Applications are still being accepted for the August semester of the Gallery/Studio program, in which students ages six to adult develop art skills through studying the museum’s collection and experimenting with a variety of materials and techniques in hands-on classes.

To obtain class schedules and registration forms, visit www.brooklynmuseum.org/education/gallery-studio/gallery-studio.php or email gallery-studio@brooklynmuseum.org.

Registration forms and payment in full must be received by July 28 for the August semester.

Works by students in the Gallery/Studio Program’s spring semester will be on view in the Con Edison Education Gallery on the first floor until August 3.

Young Voices Gallery Talks

Members of the Brooklyn Museum’s Student Guide program share their fresh perspectives with museum visitors on free, conversational tours on Saturdays at 12 and 1:30 p.m.

For more on any of these programs, visit www.brooklynmuseum.org or call 718-638-5000.