Bay Ridge
We are the champions
The Vipers team at Our Lady of Angels clinched the championship on June 25.
Team members Derek Goldstein, Laurence Batiz, Jason Cucchiarro, Nick Cassamassino, Lawson Batiz, Angelo Fogliano, Joe Baglivo, Jack Shea, Thomas Goldstein, Kenny, John Disomma, James Trusso, Jason McAndrews, and Michael Ng, faced off against St. Anselm’s varsity team, the Braves, and won the day.
“The team had to win three games in a row to win the championship within six days,” said Coach Laurence Batiz. “It was a total team effort and everyone contributed towards the win.”
Standing O sends out a great, big shout-out to the 2016 Varsity Champions.
Our Lady of Angels Sports Association (7320 Fourth Ave. at 73rd Street in Bay Ridge).