
Who needs Pathmark?

The Silver Star market may have a deli, but this store isn’t chopped liver!

The owner of the Sheepshead Bay grocery store that’s across the street from the soon-to-be-shuttered Pathmark says that politicians shouldn’t be so quick to bring in a replacement supermarket because his shop can feed the neighborhood just fine.

“All these people and politicians are so upset about losing a supermarket, but we’ve been sitting here for 40 years with a full stock of products,” said Silver Star co-owner Pat Basile.

Local lawmakers have vowed to replace Pathmark with a new supermarket so that the east side of Sheepshead Bay isn’t a “food desert,” as the nearest full-sizedgrocery chain, a Waldbaum’s on Ocean Avenue, is 10 blocks away.

So Rep. Anthony Weiner (D–Sheepshead Bay) and several other politicians have contacted six chains about moving into the Pathmark, including Key Food, Stop & Shop and Whole Foods.

Meanwhile, Basile says, “What about me?”

The store owner says that even though he is not interested in taking over Pathmark’s space because of the cost of rent, his store, combined with a nearby Rite Aid, would fill the neighborhood’s needs.

“They’ll get everything they need,” he said.

And it’s not as if Basile’s shop can’t hold its own versus such a large chain — he’s done just fine since the Pathmark moved in about 10 years ago.

In fact, when the Courier visited Silver Star Friday morning, we found that it has many of the same goods as Pathmark, from pasta to fresh produce. And like Pathmark, Silver Star boasts a deli, fish counter and an array of baked goods. The market can also hold its own in the price category: at $3.69, a gallon of milk at Silver Star is $.30 cheaper than at Pathmark, though Pathmark’s packaged bread is a dollar less than the Silver Star slices.

“I try to stay competitive by looking at Pathmark’s prices and either matching them or going lower,” Basile said.

But even Basile had to admit that his six-aisle store can’t hold as many customers and doesn’t have as much variety as its corporate competitor, which has 17 aisles and takes up nearly half a block between Avenue Y and Avenue Z.

Loyal Silver Star patrons agree, as many of them also shop at Pathmark to get specific brands.

“Silver Star and Pathmark are two totally different stores,” said Sheepshead Bay resident Allen Marasco.

“I shop at Silver Star for select quality meats and the personal service, but I can get special deals at Pathmark and a lot more brands.”

Still, Basile admits he’d like to see something replace the Pathmark — and even suggested a store that would provide many of the benefits of a supermarket (like the foot traffic) but without the competition.

“I’d like to see a Best Buy,” he said.