To The Editor:
Stanley Gershbein (“It’s Only My Opinion”), I enjoyed your recent column.
I’ve been a democrat for 40 years, until now. Now, I’m an independent. All that brouhaha about Obama caused me not to listen to anything the media has to say (I change the channel), or read what the press-writes. I threw out the last “Times” magazine after paging through it.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels that way. I think that this overload created an adverse effect on people.
May the best man win.
Elizabeth Krakowski
Stanley Gershbein responds:
May the best man win? That’s impossible. The best man isn’t running.
Last year we saw T-shirts that read, “The Best Man for the Job is a Woman.” That’s possible. Condi was on my short list. Thank you for writing.