
America should take the lead in defending Israel

I was never a big fan of Michael Bloomberg, but I now give him a great big standing ovation for having the courage to fly to Israel when U.S. airlines did not.

Why did our former mayor fly to Israel? Obviously to make a statement. The two most important Jewish politicians in the U.S. are Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Chuck Schumer. Why have we not heard from them?

I am sure that they made their opinions known before small groups such as those in synagogues, and by adding their names to congressional letters signed by colleagues. They’ll even talk to an empty room in Congress which we probably could have watched in the middle of the night on C-Span Gimmel.

Hey Chuck, how about calling a national press conference such as the one you called when you complained about the price of corn flakes?

I also salute Joan Rivers for her mega-marvelous comments on the subject. She hit the nail on the head when she shouted her thoughts about the human shields. Those casualties brought to mind the famous quote by Golda Meier. “We can forgive you for killing our sons. But we will never forgive you for making us kill yours.”

Yes, Mr. Hamas Leadership — continue to place your sons in front of your rocket firepower and you will be responsible for the creation of many more martyrs.

And to those of you who are ready to write and tell me how savage and cruel Israel is for the way it is defending itself, please let me inform you that here in the United States you are in the minority. According to the most recent polling by Pew, more than twice as many Americans — 40 percent — say that Hamas is responsible for the current violence in the Gaza, compared to only 19 percent who blame Israel. The rest are busy watching “Naked and Afraid” and have no opinion at all.

So does Hamas want peace? It’s only my opinion, but I think that Hamas wants a cease fire so that it can replenish, reload, and continue in its sworn mission to wipe Israel off the map.


I read a lot of newspapers from out of town. I often find items that say it so well that I feel it is a lot smarter for me to just quote the source. The following is the last paragraph from a piece in the Washington Post:

“Israel is the legal creation of the United Nations. It has an absolute right not merely to exist but to do so safe from rockets or incursions by tunneling terrorists. In 1948, Harry Truman swiftly recognized Israel. America took the lead. It is time for it to do so again.”

Do you hear that Ms. Wasserman-Schultz? I am sending you a copy. I expect a response.

I am StanGershbein@Bellsouth closing with another thought from Golda. She said: “We will only have peace with the Arabs when they learn to love their children more than they hate us.”

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