
Another year, another Christmas poem

Twas the day before Christmas and all through the house,

Not a creature was stirring, not daughter, not spouse.

No presents were wrapped, neigh not even bought,

Again I was stranded without a gift — I was caught.

In two shakes of a reindeers’ red nose and white tail,

I ran to the shops to get that last sale.

I whipped out my plastic and purchased a ton,

I thought “Late night shopping oh what good fun!”

I ran through the aisles, first this way then that,

Buying gifts for daughter Bri, hubby Bob and even the cats.

I made it home in an instant quicker than old St. Nick,

Sitting down at the table with paper to pick.

I wrapped and I wrapped, with bow, ribbon and tape,

My fingers were flying even though it was late.

I finally finished with seconds to spare,

Hoping the house wouldn’t wake with a scare.

I crawled into bed and let my eyes close,

And waited for morning to the happy ho, ho, ho’s.

I promised my self never again, no it’s not right,

Not for Nuthin’, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.”

Joanna DelBuono's column appears every Wednesday on BrooklynDaily.com. She can be reached at jdelbuono@cnglocal.com.