
Brews clues: Fermentation fans battle it out at Beer Geek Trivia

Brews clues: Fermentation fans battle it out at Beer Geek Trivia
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

All those years of beer drinking could finally score you more than a gut and an unnecessarily large collection of novelty koozies.

A team of all-female beer bloggers is hosting a monthly trivia night at Glorietta Baldy in Bedford-Stuyvesant, where knowledge of the fermented refreshment can help you win prizes.

Beer Geek Trivia, which takes place on the second Wednesday of the month, is part pub quiz, part “meet the brewer” night, where brew-enthusiasts of all backgrounds can learn more about craft beer, explained one of the organizers.

“A lot of beer events, especially the big festivals, are fairly white, male-dominated, so our events are meant to welcome folks who might not fit into that mold into the craft beer world, since craft beer is, at its root, all about community, experimentation, creativity, and thinking outside the box,” said Meredith Heil, a co-author of the Beerded Ladies blog.

Each month, the trivia night is sponsored by a different craft brewery, whose brewers and staff typically attend the event.

“In general, we like to feature breweries that are local,” said Heil, “though we do branch out if we’re particularly interested in a brewery outside the New York metro area.”

Taste is also an important factor, since they will be drinking the featured brewery’s beers all night.

The event is made up of four rounds, covering brewing, history, popular culture, and the “hipster trifecta,” which Heil said is the most popular round.

“It’s a quick-fire round asking players to identify if what they’re talking about is one of three things, i.e. a type of flannel, a variety of hop, or an indie band,” she said.

The questions are also tailored to the sponsor brewery, which gives teams such as “Beer-yonce” and “Yeastern Parkway” a little bit of a hint as to what kind of head-scratchers they will be facing—though not always. At a previous night sponsored by New Jersey’s Carton Brewing, the Beerded Ladies included an entire round on Bruce Springsteen.

“Each question mixed Bruce trivia with a little bit of beer trivia,” said Heil. “The Carton team did awesome, of course.”

The organizers have also recently added a very popular bonus round where teams have to identify a mystery beer in a blind taste test.

Some of the rounds definitely favor those with a strong knowledge of beer and the brewing process, said Heil, but not all of them, so even beer-ginners have a chance at winning some of the craft beer swag up for grabs.

“We like to tie it back to beer if we can, but it’s not the sole focus of each question,” she said.

The next trivia night, on June 11, will be sponsored by Smuttynose Brewing Company from New Hampshire.

Beerded Ladies presents Beer Geek Trivia at Glorietta Baldy (502 Franklin Ave. between Hancock St. and Fulton St. in Bedford-Stuyvesant, www.beerdedladies.com/trivia). June 11 at 8 pm.