
Broadway in Brooklyn! Narrows Community Theater does ‘42nd Street’


June 10


This is theater for the ADD age — 50 plays, each lasting no more than 60. It’s the latest installment of Brooklyn College’s “Gi60” Festival (short for “Gone in 60 Seconds”). Plays have come from all over the world, but the early favorite is Steve Ansell’s “Palintology,” which involves two elderly dinosaurs making, what else?, political chit chat.

8 pm. “Gi60” at Brooklyn College’s New Workshop Theater [Campus Road and Hillel Road, (718) 951-5000 X2768] also on June 11. Tickets $10. For info, visitwww.gi60.blogspot.com.


June 11

Junk Yards

Look, we’re not going to lie to you: Suki Hawley and Michael Galinsky’s exhaustive new docu-ganda about the Atlantic Yards mega-project (eight years and counting!) is not the best documentary you’ll ever see. But the filmmakers get major points for their painstaking approach to illuminating the horrendous process that created Bruce Ratner’s Frankenstein. A little less hagiography on Dan Goldstein and a little more Kelo and this could’ve been an Oscar contender.

8 pm. IndieScreen [289 Kent Ave. at S. Second St. in Williamsburg, (347) 227-8030]. Also showing at noon on June 17.


June 12

The annual Victorian Flatbush House Tour offers sneak peek into the mansions of the neighborhood otherwise known as Ditmas Park, a suburban-style oasis in the heart of the city. The area is home to five historic districts, so you know it’s still got the goods, including those fancy houses with the wraparound porches.

1-6 pm. Victorian Flatbush House Tour starts at Temple Beth Emeth [83 Marlborough Rd. at Church Avenue in Ditmas Park, (718) 859-3800 X301]. Tickets $20 in advance. For info, visit www.fdconline.org.


June 14


You’d have to be dead to not know that our own novelist Jennifer Egan won the Pulitzer Prize this year for her awesome book, “A Visit from the Goon Squad.” But even the living might not know that there’s an invitation-only party at MoCADA to honor Egan. No, you didn’t get invited, so head to the after-party at Greenlight Bookstore, which will be more fun anyway.

6:30 pm. Jennifer Egan at Greenlight Bookstore [686 Fulton St. between S. Elliott Place and S. Portland Avenue in Fort Greene, (718) 246-0200]. For info, visit greenlightbookstore.com


June 16

Rights stuff

Previous “Celebrate Brooklyn” tribute shows have been to rock gods, such as Leonard Cohen and Neil Young. But this time, producer Hal Willner has put together a tribute to a movement: the 1960s Freedom Rides. Join Rosanne Cash, Toshi Reagon, Steven Bernstein, and others for a concert that celebrates the songs that inspired — and sprang from — this chapter in the Civil Rights movement.

7 pm. Freedom Rides Project at Celebrate Brooklyn [Prospect Park band shell, Ninth Street and Prospect Park West in Park Slope, (718) 855-7882]. Free. For info, visit www.celebratebrooklyn.org.